In this paper I will be discussing community correction and how it affects society, and my hypothesis about community corrections, and the effectiveness in the corrections system. Moreover talk about how other nation see and practice imprisonment in other foreign countries, and what could happen if the United States prison system if we adopted other foreign countries practices of imprisonment. I will then discuss my thoughts and opinion about what suggestions I would make to implement into my community. Community corrections, Is what individuals receive when they have committed a crime and is the means of supervising felons and misdemeanors outside the walls of the corrections facility. There are some misconceptions of the American people that when an individual that has be found guilty of a crime is automatically place in a corrections facility behind bars and remove from society untie they have paid their debt to society. There are individuals place behind bars while there are some that commit criminal acts place on community corrects where they are monitored and attend programs while they are on community corrections. Community corrections is known as probation where the offender is required to follow the rules and regulations and any violations could get the offender place back in jail or prison, depending on the violation that was committed by the individual that is on community corrections. Community corrections can be very beneficial to those that place on probation for various reasons in the way of giving those individual that have committed criminal behaviors that second chance to make their wrongs they have done and make them right in society.
References: Foster,, B. (2006). Corrections: The Fundamentals. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database Probation, Parole and Community Corrections…. (). Retrieved from