Marriage, Couple and Family Therapy (CPSY - 6356 - 1)
In this paper will analyze primary, secondary, and tertiary couple and family interventions provided by community resources. In this paper will provide a community resource that works with issues of domestic violence and the primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions that the resource provides. A further analysis will be provided on any gaps that may exist in the interventions and an explanation of how to address those gaps.
According to (Wolfe, 2011), prevention efforts are generally considered in terms of primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary prevention includes efforts to decrease the occurrence of an issue within a population before it occurs. (Wolfe, 2011) Primary prevention strategies, may present a particular population with new ways of thinking, values, and relationship skills that are opposing to violence and that encourage healthy relationships. Secondary prevention focuses on at-risk individuals. Secondary preventions attempt to decrease the occurrence of an issue by reducing suspected or known risk factors. (Wolfe, 2011) For example, secondary prevention efforts with domestic violence may focus on identified individuals who have displayed specific behaviors related to domestic violence. Tertiary prevention endeavors to reduce the course of an issue after the issue has already developed and is causing harm. For example, tertiary prevention includes the identification of sex offenders and domestic violence (DV) perpetrators, efforts to control negative behavior by punishment or treatment and assistance for the victims.
The clinical description of domestic violence is a pattern of assaultive behaviors, including psychological, physical, and sexual attacks that adults or adolescents utilize against individuals who have or had relations. (Child Welfare Information