A. Historical Background
Before the outbreak of World War II, Buhangin was then a sitio of Barangay Tigatto. Speculations about the name “Buhangin” was taken from the people who were prominent early settlers along the Davao River that passes through the areas of Buhangin, Tigatto, and Mandug. It was noted in most probability that early occupants either walked on sand and gravel or that these were piled up in the site that is now called Buhangin. “Buhangin” is a Tagalog word but can also be a Dabawenyo term. It is recognized that Dabawenyos were more likely mixed with Tagalog during the early times because the pioneers came from different places of the Philippines. Historically, the first families that settled in Buhangin were more of Ilocano and Tagalog roots such as Abrina, Arconel, Sarusad, Eligino, Quinones, Saguid, Carpio, Nartates, Insik “Teban” Apada, Ingan, Canete, Dalisay, and Salvador.
School of thoughts today believe that indeed Buhangin was renamed after the big Davao River. “Buhangin” or “balas” in the Visayan term was passed from one mouth to another, and was adapted by the leaders, and is unchanged until today. By this virtue, and by unanimous acceptance, Buhangin was since then listed officially in the map of Davao City.
During the American liberation in 1945, the sitio of Buhangin significantly increased in popularity due to its accessibility, being the only way then, connecting the countryside of the northern area and the main streets going downtown or anywhere else. Thus, Buhangin became more famous than Tigatto.
Due to population increase, large income, and big land area, it acquired its status of a barangay with 69 puroks including Purok Mahayag.
B. Physical Description of the Area
Geographic Characteristics Barangay Buhangin Proper is 752.85 hectares in land area, and is located beside the Carlos P. Garcia Highway. Due to the location of the barangay, commercial lands with business establishments are numerous, especially when the area is directly facing the highway. Though commercialization has infiltrated the barangay, the residential areas are still visible and increasing in number as the barangay is entered.
Barangay Buhangin Proper is an enclosed area bounded by the Carlos P. Garcia Highway, and numerous residential lands on its northern borders. On its eastern borders are the Davao River and more residential lands and subdivisions. The Buhangin-Cabantian-Indangan Highway demarcates the eastern boundaries of the barangay, while the J.P. Laurel area and Southern Philippines Medical Center are a few of the landmarks seen north of it.
Soil Classification
Barangay Buhangin is an urban area, with different kinds of soil found within it. Besides the cemented or paved roads and walkways, loam and sand are the soil types commonly seen right beside these developed pathways.
Agriculture in Barangay Buhangin is nearly absent, besides the small patches of vacant lots that were planted with a few vegetables and root crops like “kamote”.
The climate in Barangay Buhangin is mostly warm and sunny with occasional rain and is not far from the typical Philippine climate.
Map 1.1: Barangay Buhangin Proper
Map 1.2: Purok Mahayag (Barangay Health Station Map)
Map 1.3: Purok Mahayag (Satellite Overview)
Chapter II
Population Size and Distribution
Purok Mahayag has 330 households and a population of 1361. 140 houses were visited, however, only 75 households responded, with a total of 271 individuals. The rest of the households that were not interviewed either did not have their parents or adults around because of work, or the area was rented by a business establishment and the people in it were mere tenants or workers.
Age and Sex Distribution Graph 2.1: Age and Sex Distribution of Purok Mahayag
The population of Purok Mahayag is generally young, as seen in the Age and Sex Pyramid above, the largest population of males belong to the 15-19 age bracket, while the most numerous population for the females is under the 25-29 age bracket.
Age Dependency Ratio
The Total Dependency Ratio of the population is 43.38%, the Aged Dependency Ratio is 5.29% and a Child Dependency ratio of 38.09%. The data shows that the labor force of Purok Mahayag is supporting more children than the minute population of the aged.
Family Size
Graph 2.2: Family Size of Purok Mahayag
Majority of the families (23) in Purok Mahayag have a family size of four. This may mean that most of the families in the population are still young and growing families, or they are practicing good family planning practices.
Chapter III
Agricultural Products
Crops Purok Mahayag is a highly urbanized residential area, with nearly absent agricultural land space.
In Purok Mahayag, the houses are relatively close to each other, thus space for livestock is also uncommon. Only 11 chickens, 3 pigs and a goat were noted during the course of the survey.
Farm Implements
There are no farm implements noted in Purok Mahayag, as the nature of the area is very influential to the type of work that the residents have (business and office-work), thus farm-related tools, land and occupation is absent in the community.
Monthly Family Income
Graph 3.1: Average Monthly Family Income of Purok Mahayag
The data above shows that 16 families in Purok Mahayag (out of 75) is living below the poverty line (income of P1403.4 per month), which is one of the majorities in the populations, along with the P5000-P6999 and the P7000-P9999 income brackets. 8 families are more or less on the border, while the majority (17 families) is on the 7,000-9999 brackets. There are also 6 families on the 10,000 and above bracket, signifying that the community has a decent source of income.
Graph 3.2: Occupation of Purok Mahayag
Majority of the residents of the purok is unemployed (42%), while 31% are in the private sector, 24% generate income from business and 3% work for the government. The unemployment rate for an area that is commercial and urban in nature is relatively high.
Dwelling-related Indicators
Housing Status
Graph 3.3: Housing Status of Purok Mahayag
30 households mentioned that they own the land that they are living in, while 22 are only renting the space, and 18 are merely caretakers. The high number of renters may be attributed to the fact that the purok is an optimum area for workers in the city thus a number of apartments and houses being rented are available.
Land Status
Graph 3.4: Land Ownership of Purok Mahayag
Data shows that 8% has rights to the land that they are settling in, while also 8% are informal settlers to the purok. 9% are mere caretakers of a land, and 16% share a piece of land with other people or other members of the family. 23% are renting residents while only 36% said that they owned the land that they are living in.
House Roofing
Graph 3.5: House Roofing of Purok Mahayag
Most of the houses are made with strong roofs (50%), while 41% stated that the roofing of their houses were built with mixed light and strong materials, and 9% indicated that their roofing is only made up of light materials.
House Flooring
Graph 3.6: House Flooring of Purok Mahayag
Same as with the data in roofing, majority of the houses are built with cement floors (48%), and 28% said that they have wood as their house’s flooring. Cement with additional covering and bamboo flooring gets 12% apiece as they represent the extremes of the data.
House Conditions
58 houses are still sound structures while there are 17 that are dilapidated. This is also reflected on the other data that shows that there are also a few houses constructed of light materials and also with poor or weak flooring.
Household Appliances
Graph 3.7: Household Appliances of Purok Mahayag
Television sets, refrigerators and electric fans are the most common household appliances owned by the population in Purok Mahayag. Washing machines and rice cookers are the least of the group. The presence of other appliances like computers and air conditioning systems indicates that there are residents with enough income to procure these extra and relatively non-essential appliances.
Ownership of vehicles
There are 15 motorcycles in the surveyed population, making it the predominant mode of transport among the residents. Given that the purok has small congested roads and has some unpaved roads, motorcycles make it easier for the residents to go around the community. Next most numerous are the mini-trucks and multicabs which are mostly used for business or hauling goods. There are also 6 bicycles in the surveyed population and 5 jeepneys.
B. Social Indices
Marital status
Graph 3.8: Marital Status of Purok Mahayag
64% of the target population is married, while 19% are live-in partners. 11% and 6% are widowed and separated respectively. The number of married couples would be a good indicator of the stability of the settlers and in turn may speak of the decreased variability of the data gathered in the future.
Ethnic Origin
Only 2 households out of the 75 surveyed have information on their ethnicity. Both of the respondents are Mandaya, while the rest cannot trace back their roots or cannot remember to that ethnic tribe they belong to. This is typical of an urban community where commercialization may influence a migration of people from different regions to a certain area.
Religion Most of the households interviewed are Catholics (59), and there are 15 protestant households. There is also a single Iglesia ni Cristo household in the surveyed population. Religion is a vital factor in determining culture and practices of a given community.
Graph 3.9: Education in Purok Mahayag
Elementary and highschool education almost equal eachother at 34% and 35% respectively, as there is a great population of children on the age bracket that these school-goers belong to. This is followed by college at 20% and kinder at 7%. The group did have a 4% out of school youth population from the interviewed households.
Table 3.1: Communication in Purok Mahayag
Television is the population’s most common source of information or mode of communication (62 households) as it is also the most common appliance seen in the interviewed households, while cellular phones are next with 60 households. Landlines are only found in 2 households, as it was observed that a lot of the households were merely renting or informally settling in the area. LBC and other courier services are only being used by 18 of the households while only 9 use the Philippine Postal Office system.
Majority of the household members use the jeepney when travelling (53), as the community is right beside the Carlos P. Garcia Highway. 23 households use the tricycle, as Purok Mahayag is a steep climb if you are walking from the inner parts of the purok going towards the highway. While there are 17 households who use the services of contractual motorcycle drivers (habal-habal) to get around the community.
Welfare services
Purok Mahayag has an available GKK chapel with its members participating on feeding programs and other social services. The chapel also houses the Barangay Satellite Health Station.
Recreational services
There are no recreational services identified in the purok.
C. Environmental indices Electricity Most of the community has electricity (56 households) while 19 households do not have them. 50 out of the 56 households that have electricity are getting their connection from Davao Light, while the rest did not specify the source. However, there was one household that happened to state that they practice tapping into other lines to have electricity for their homes, though it was not verified if the other households were also doing the same.
Source of water Table 3.2: Water Source of Purok Mahayag Many of the households have a level III water supply (Faucet connected from DCWD) in their homes (54), although some stated that they still use level II (20) (Reservoirs, tanks, etc.), and level III (18) (Wells and flowing bodies of water) sources of water.
Toilets Table 3.3: Toilets of Purok Mahayag There are 48 households that have water-sealed toilets, although Antipolo and community toilets are still presently used by 7 and 2 households respectively. A high number of households do not have toilets (18), which may be explained by the number of informal settlers and some households that are built for the purpose of being rented (2) or small stalls that are mere display venues to market small businesses(3).
Waste disposal Graph 3.10: Soild Waste Disposal of Purok Mahayag Paper, plastic and yard wastes are the most common household solid waste that the purok produces. For paper waste, not all but only 40 households are accessed by CENRO. For plastic, 43 households, and 48 households for their yard wastes. Although all of the waste products are handled by CENRO, not all households acquire its services. This is due to the roads that are small and congested due to the overlapping houses, making it impossible for the dump truck to go in the inner parts of Purok Mahayag.
Graph 3.11: Liquid Waste Disposal of Purok Mahayag
Household cleaner such as soap, bleach, and the like is the major liquid waste that the community of Purok Mahayag has, followed by cooking oil, and motor oil. However, as surveyed, majority of the households who has these wastes practice improper disposal of these one of which is throwing them directly to the canals. This reflects that people in the purok have a lack of knowledge about the safe and proper disposal of liquid wastes.
Community celebrations The purok yearly celebrates the feast of the Mother of Perpetual Help during the last day of June.
Chapter IV
The main Barangay Health Center has the following services:
MEDICAL SERVICES * Consultation * Pre-natal check-up * Mother’s class * Immunization * Family planning * IUD insertion * Pap smear * STI/HIV screening * TB DOTS
COUNSELING SERVICES * Family planning * Smoking cessation * Nutrition & feeding * Adolescent & youth health * Ligation & vasectomy
DENTAL SERVICES * Consultation * Tooth extraction * Dental prophylaxis * Oral health care lecture
LABORATORY SERVICES * Hemoglobin screening * Urinalysis * Stool exam * Blood typing * Hepatitis B screening * Syphilis testing * Gram stain * Sputum AFB exam * HIV screening * FBS screening
The satellite health station located in Purok Mahayag has the following services: * Family planning * Pre-natal check-up * Post-natal check-up * Vaccination * Deworming * Vitamin A * Dental services * 4 P’s counseling
B. HEALTH HUMAN RESOURCES Ratio of health human resources to population BHC MAIN Health Staff | Ratio to Population | Physician | 1 : 66,784 | Dentist | 1 : 66,784 | Nurse | 1 : 11,131 | Med Tech | 1 : 66,784 | Nutritionist | 1 : 33,392 | PPO | 1 : 66,784 | PPW | 1 : 66,784 | SI | 1 : 66,784 | Midwife | 1 : 22,261 | Lab aide | 1 : 66,784 | Dental aide | 1 : 66,784 | ASW | 1 : 33,392 | Table 4.1: Health staff to Population Ratio (BHC MAIN) SATELLITE HEALTH STATION Health Staff | Ratio to Population | Barangay Nutrition Scholar | 1:11,171 | Barangay Health Worker | 1:5,768 | Table 4.2: Health Staff to Population Ratio (Satellite) in Purok Mahayag As seen in the data above, the ratio between health providers against the population is relatively high. This presents a high burden on the part of the health providers and may also be a sign of lack of health care providers in the area. Compared to other barangays, like Barangay Toril, the ratio is 1 BHW is to only 700 people. Also, in other barangays, there are BVW’s (Barangay Volunteer Workers) with a ratio of 1 is to 350. C. HEALTH INDICATORS Prenatal Care Graph 4.1: Prenatal Care of Purok Mahayag Family Planning In family planning, 34 couples are practicing it, compared to the 19 who are not. Most common family planning method used are the pills (14 couples), followed by tubal ligation (9), DMPA is used by 8 couples, condom by 2 couples and IUD with 1 user. Reproductive Intention Only 15 couples have reproductive intentions, while 38 don’t want to have pregnancies anymore. This is also reflected on the average family size of the surveyed households as the most common number is 4, which signifies contentment in the number of children that they currently have. Childbirth and Delivery There were 13 full-term pregnancies among the households while there were 1 non-full term pregnancies. This resulted to 11 normal deliveries, 1 was breeched, and 2 were caesarean sectioned. Out of the 14 deliveries, 10 were attended by a physician while 4 were managed by a mid-wife. Post-natal Check-up Only 9 mothers went for a post-natal check-up, as 5 mothers did not have one. Breastfeeding 6 infants were exclusively breast-fed, while also 6 infants had mixed feeding. 2 infants were fed with formula alone. Nutrition Among the children, 21 were noted to be of normal weight, 4 are underweight, while 2 were overweight. Regarding height, 22 were considered to be normal, 2 were short while 3 were tall for their age. Expanded Program on Immunization For the children that are under the EPI program, 2 out of 4 children are completely immunized while the other 2 has incomplete immunization. Upon asking the reason why these children were not completely immunized, both respondents answered that they were not around when the schedule of the missed immunizations came up because they were out for work. Deworming There were 16 children that were dewormed and 5 that were not. This can be correlated with our data that a few children that were weighed were underweight.
Vitamin A Supplement For the children aged 6-11months, 3 were given vitamin A supplementation, while for the kids aging 12-17 months, there were 15 of them. Majority of them received the supplementation from Barangay Health Services. Morbidity Table 4.3: Morbidity in Purok Mahayag; Confirmed (May 2011 – Present) Hypertension is the most numerous recorded morbidity, followed by dengue, then asthma, for the past two years. Hypertension is a lifestyle-related disease that is common in the urban communities. Mostly affecting individuals with less physical activities, high sodium and fat diet, and individuals with sedentary lifestyles, thus, hypertension may be correlated with city-life and routine. Mortality There were no recorded mortalities for the past two years.
Chapter V
The Problem
Problem Identification Purok Mahayag, Buhangin, Davao City | 1. Improper waste disposal2. Prevalence of Dengue cases3. Prevalence of Hypertension4. Presence of substandard toilets5. Low family income6. No electricity7. Unemployment8. Dilapidated home structure9. Households with poor water source 10. Prevalence of Acute Respiratory Infection |
Table 5.1: Problem Identification of Purok Mahayag The table above is a list of problems that the group has identified during the interpretation of the survey results. The list of problems above is consistent with the picture of an urban settlement with substandard facilities and living quality.
Problem Prioritization
Table 5.2: Problem Prioritization of Purok Mahayag
The data above is the result of our problem prioritization workshop attended by different representatives of different social groups like the Senior Citizens, Women’s Group, BHW’s and their President, Barangay Head Nurse, District Health Officer, Kagawads, Volunteers, Representative of the Youth Group, and residents. Ranked first is the problem in solid waste disposal, followed by Dengue and Hypertension, which are our top three problems in Purok Mahayag.
Problem Tree Analysis
Diagram 5.1: Problem Tree
The diagram above shows that the core problem is improper waste disposal. The probable root causes of which are inadequate knowledge and presence of informal settlers. Inadequate knowledge would lead to poor practices thus resulting to improper waste disposal. Inadequate knowledge would also lead to the lack of motivation or initiative to produce funds related to waste disposal, and as a result, there is a lack of trash bins in the community, and even in their respective homes, and because of this, improper waste disposal is a result. The effects of improper waste disposal are blocked drainages, dirty surroundings, prevalence of dengue and other communicable diseases.
Analysis of Causes
Table 5.3: Analysis of Causes These are the causes that the group can work on as they are part of the concerns of the health sector, and also is an immediate concern; inadequate knowledge, poor practices, and unavailability of trash bins.
Objective Tree
Diagram 5.2: Objective Tree The objective tree shows that the general objective that the group wants to achieve is to have proper waste disposal. With adequate knowledge, healthy practices will be encouraged, leading to proper waste disposal. Control of illegal settlers may be a herculean task, however, if this were to be addressed, the roads will be accessible because there will be no overcrowding within the roads of Purok Mahayag, then coverage by CENRO will be possible. The effects of these would be the reduced prevalence of Dengue, reduced incidence of communicable diseases, clean surroundings and unblocked drainages.
Chapter VI
Health Action Plan
Problem: Improper Waste Disposal
Poor waste disposal practices are highly correlated with a prevalence of dengue and other communicable diseases. Thus, by cleaning up and by practicing proper waste disposal, the risk of acquiring the said diseases may be reduced.
General Objectives: At least 80% of the residents of Purok Mahayag will practice proper waste disposal
Specific Objectives: By the end on June 2, 2013, at least 80% of the residents of Purok Mahayag will have adequate knowledge on proper waste disposal. At least 80% of the residents of Purok Mahayag will demonstrate healthy practices of waste management by the end of June 2, 2013. At least 80% of the residents of Purok Mahayag will have their own garbage bags for proper waste disposal an implementation of proper waste disposal system by the end of June 2, 2013.
Causes of the Core Problem | Objective | Activities | Materials Needed | Time Frame | Persons Responsible | Objectively Verifiable Indicator | Inadequate knowledge | By the end of June 2, 2013, at least 80% residents of Purok Mahayag will have better knowledge on proper waste disposal. | Lecture on proper waste disposal and its benefits | Venue Visual aids Snacks | June 2, 2013 | Medical Clerks BHWs | Lecture conducted Attendance Survey / feedback Open Forum | Poor practices | At least 80% of the residents of Purok Mahayag will demonstrate healthy practices of waste management by the end of June 2013 | House to house Information drive Bayanihan Reminders of policies | Sample site Posters Flyers Snacks | June 2, 2013 | Medical Clerks BHWs CVOs Women’s Group Senior citizens SK Volunteers | Attendance Survey / Feedback Houses visited Posters planted Flyers given | Unavailability of trash bins | At least 80% of the residents of Purok Mahayag will have their own garbage bags for proper waste disposal and implementation of proper waste disposal system by the end of June 2, 2013. | Implementation of trash collection system Provision of sacks as garbage bags Sidecar garbage collector | Target area Sacks Trash Collecting Unit | June 2, 2013 | Medical Clerks BHWs CVOs Women’s Group Senior citizens SK Volunteers Purok Leader | Houses Visited Attendance Sacks provided Availability of the trash collecting unit - sidecar |
Integration in Purok Mahayag, Buhangin, Davao City 1. Courtesy call with Barangay Officials and Barangay Health Workers 2. Attended activities at the Barangay Health Center and satellite station as scheduled: a. Consultations b. Prenatal Check-up c. Immunization 3. Problem identification and prioritization with leaders and active community members 4. Community Diagnosis and Health Action Plan presentation to Barangay officials, Purok leader, and community members of Purok Mahayag
Accomplishment of Health Action Plan 1. Lecture on proper solid waste management by Kagawad Judith D. Gonzaga, Head of Committee on Environment
2. Briefing of information drive participants
3. Information drive “Bayanihan” done in Purok Mahayag
4. Launching of the sidecar collecting system
May 27, 2013
Hon. James C. Salvador
Barangay Captain
Buhangin Proper, Davao City
Good day Sir, We, the Medical Clerks of Davao Medical School Foundation, Department of Medicine, under the supervision of our District Health Officer, Dr. Sherry Amor Nengasca, have conducted a community diagnosis consisting of general check-ups, health monitoring and household surveys at Purok Mahayag as part of our Community Medicine Service. We are glad to share with you our findings and results of the survey. We would also like to inform you about our health action plan which would address the concerns that we have gathered through our study and with the participation of the community of Purok Mahayag.
Attached herewith are the summary of findings, and the health action plan.
Thank you for your support and service to our community.
Miguel Baker
Jed Grino
Ma. Eleanar Guiani
Macil Hernandez
DMSF Medical Clerks
May 30, 2013
Sir / Madame:
Good Day!
We, the medical clerks of the Davao Medical School Foundation, assigned at Purok Mahayag, Buhangin, Davao City, are currently rendering our services to the purok as training for Community Medicine. In a short span of time, we were able to conclude that waste management is the number one problem through the survey and monitoring we conducted within the first week of our duty.
It is our goal to see change at least by helping the community to have a systematic way of disposing their garbage and keeping their environment clean. Thus, also preventing diseases resulting from improper waste disposal, which ranks second and third in their top ten list of problems. We are hoping that we will be one in helping us raise funds to build trash collecting units, each amounting to 4500.00PhP. One unit is composed of the following: * Bicycle * Side car * Collecting drum
This is a fresh idea, creating a “JUNIOR CENRO” within areas that cannot be reached by CENRO itself due to narrow roads, launching it first at Purok Mahayag. Hopefully other communities with the same situation will also adapt the system in the near future. We would like to launch this system that will bring about change, and we would be glad if you will be a part of our movement.
As sign of our gratitude, we will be including your names as donors to the units we will be able to build and provide.
Thank you for your support and service to our fellow Davaoenos, God bless you.
Noted by:
Mr. Rogelio Tagalog
Purok Leader
Purok Mahayag, Buhangin, Davao City
DMSF Medical Clerks:
Baker, Juan Miguel
Grino, Jed
Guiani, Ma. Eleanar
Hernandez, Macil Stephanie
June 2, 2013
1. 2. Lucia Damayo 3. Nar Solis 4. Vicenta Ocot 5. Gloria Talavera 6. Carmelita Alcoseba 7. Elvira Alcoseba 8. Patricia Tagalog 9. Joy Tagalog 10. Inday Famitanco 11. Arsenia Raballer 12. Monina Co 13. Alicia Millanes 14. Flora Samson 15. Kagawad Judith Gonzaga 16. Faustina Hilamon 17. Luz Calamungay 18. Ursena Pagaran 19. Lani Bautista 20. Glofer Buling 21. Flora Cagulang 22. Myrna Muana 23. Layla Mascardo 24. Pilar Suazo 25. Flor Suyman 26. Alaida Santiagudo 27. Nene Bonsilao 28. Arlene Quiambao
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