A community is a place where people around supposed to be able to live and thrive together. When one thinks of a community, the image that most likely is visualized is one of a place where each person lives harmoniously with all the other members of that community. While this may be the typical image of a community, it is not the realistic view. In reality communities can share both good and bad aspects. In Place Matters: Metropolitics for the Twenty-First Century Peter Dreier, John Mollenkopf, and Todd Swanstrom make the argument that the place a person lives ultimately matters over all else; the place which a person lives effects the choices that that he/she makes and determines his/her ability to obtain a high quality of life.…
Scott Peck, author of The Different Drum: Community and Making Peace, describes community as "people living together in both freedom and love." Communities cannot be formed around people (individualists) who are busy satisfying their own needs first and who are not willing to work hard to make love work. Upon entering this class I realized that a community is not an automatic thing. It does not just appear out of thin air. A group must work together to build bonds between each other. The community in which we are trying to build upon is compiled of many different types of people varying in age, race, sex, class, career, etc. It is going to take some time to build the trust, communication, freedom, and love that we need to form a community.…
becomes a cooperative entity where people come to rely on one another and people actually…
* Community controls—a pattern of cooperation and common action which was mobilized by perceived threats to the economic, social, and moral stability of the closely knit community.…
Jeannie Baker’s belonging it shows the difference between a community that doesn’t belong at the start and changes to become one. This is what the Salem society but the other way around. Salem community was one at the start and then changes and the Puritanical society starts to “crumble”. This can also ‘crumble’ a person’s understanding of a community and a person can either move towards the community or completely resist a community based on what the character believes…
In the essay “ Quilt of Country “ by Anna Quindlen, argues that having a common enemy and having a nation built with divergent pieces are the forces and ideas that connect the people of the United States. She communicates this argument by giving the reader informational facts and quotes. Quindlen invokes that America as a mongrel nation due to how distinct people have made up our country, “ a great national striving consisting frequently of failure.” Our community has been in constant conflict by cause of our different backgrounds and this hurts our idea of unity. Quindlen also states that tragedy brings us to unity, “ Terrorism has led to devastation “ the 9/11 attack caused damaged to the people of America ,…
2013). An example of social disorganization is a community in which none of its members get along and one that has high crime rates. When people do not get along and police themselves, crime can spin out of control. A neighborhood full of crime can be a melting pot for organized crime groups because criminal groups feed off of people who need them. The previous paragraphs explored the definition of social disorganization and how it relates to the evolution of organized crime. There was a discussion on how well social disorganization meets the criteria for organized crime and its various relationships. Lastly, this report explained what the correlation is between corrupt political machines, and social disorganization is to the development of organized…
In society’s composition, ordinary people establish the majority of the population creating the base of the group. When faced with challenges and conflict stemming from others in the same faction, they are affected and met with the consequences of the conflict. These effects may have tragic consequences to ordinary people with long lasting aftermaths such as portrayed in ‘Paradise Road’ and throughout history. Conflict, however, comes in different forms and arrangements with varying views and purposes. This signifies that not all consequences of conflict is disastrous, and can have a valuable effect on ordinary people.…
community from the few police who choose to abuse their power, and also to maintain the…
At this point the community is starting to fall apart. The first signs of unrest are noticeable, and control has become a mute point. Members of the community begin lashing out at others making accusations based on pretense, and driven by fear. This is so destructive to a community because no one is safe…
Communities impact political voices we have a choice in whom we may choose to elect to represent our states and our nation, the candidates all seek the majority votes. Communities can have an impact of what is creation of new laws and bills.…
Back in the 1347’s during the Black Death leaving death and destruction in its path, society was faced with an ultimatum, come together as a country and society or perish. As the Black Death took its toll upon Europe, the citizens still did their part. They tried to conserve what was still left of their society. An example of this selfishness would be the doctors and clergy still trying to find a cure, even when their seemed to be no hope. They still persevered through the disease, many of them loosing their lives in the battle against the Black Death. I feel a comparable situation in todays society would be the the 9/11 attacks. For the first time in American history, our beloved country was taken advantage of and viciously attacked by terrorist’s. When our great nation was faced with adversity, we did not wallow in the grief but rose up again and persevered. I feel that both later and today’s society will always have that fighting aspect in them. When the odd’s are stacked against them, they will band together for survival and strength to push through the hard times. I feel that society will always come together because they will always have the understanding that they are stronger together then they could ever be apart when faced with adversity’s such as something so catastrophic as the Black…
The abundance of gangs can bring fear and violence to every block of a city. In addition to suffering unacceptably high numbers of deaths and injuries, gang plagued neighborhoods are overwhelmed by intimidation, economic and physical decay, and withdrawal from civic engagement. As these neighborhoods decline, the bonds that hold communities together weaken: children fear going to school; parks become unusable; shopping and taking a bus to work become dangerous ventures.…
In the crucible the town was torn apart because they could not work together as a community to solve the problem. Not working together only caused death and misery throughout the town. One could see how a single element could ruin a community. In the crucible the girls were accusing people of being witches(Miller). The locals of the town who were strictly religious and believed in the girl’s nonsense became scared and started rounding up the supposed witches, who were than executed(Miller). This caused many riots in nearby towns and Reverend Parris and Hale try to stop the execution because they saw how it was wrong(Miller). This is similar to the situation in America right now. People saw how wrong the hanging of the ‘accused’ was and they rioted and tried to stop it. In America, police brutality and the recent election resembles the situation in the Crucible where people stood up for what is right, but the problem could still not be resolved peacefully. The solution to end the divide is very simple, America must, “knit together by [a] bond of love [and] seek out cohabitation under a due form of government [that is] civil” because without it, the people will always disagree with each other and the government(Winthrop). If the people disagree than the government can not, “subsist in the ruin of the public”(WInthrop). The government has to listen to the people and take action to show the…
In The Giver it’s starts off as this perfect community but what everyone knew in the community was false. It wasn’t a perfect community , The government was trying to make it something it wasn’t which was perfect.…