Submitted by Audrey M. Cofield, M. A. Counseling Psychology
Marriage & Family Therapist, Graduate Student
May 11, 2013
Title: Psychotherapy and Education in Counseling
Psychotherapy helps at risk individuals by allowing them time to talk confidentially to someone about problems, and work-through them in confidentially. Clients may have emotional issues because of experiencing violence or incest, rape, human-trafficking, neglect, abuse, bullying, or abandonment, to name a few. As a psychotherapist, I am be able to facilitate and use various psychotherapeutic methods to guide and treat clients. Prevention education is essential and will prevent some suicides or violence, and may alter self-mutilation and other self-destructive behaviors. A well-designed psychotherapeutic program can educate clients; promote hope, raise self-esteem levels, allowing clients to emerge better family members, employees and supporting members of the community. Self-identity (ego) is vital to the beginning of understanding the problem. Family social order is an area of concern and should be of interest to the client. Examining the family history helps the client to understand where they fit into the family structure and why various roles exist in the family, and how to cope with what may be happening. Erik Erikson (2000) Giving clients strategies to help instill hope, identify and cope with problems will relieve some symptom and tension. Self-acceptance is making progress, and refraining from denial about oneself is the beginning of taking responsibility to feel better. Additionally, providing clients with information about setting boundaries, and enforcing boundaries for others not to cross will help a client live more freely from certain abuse, thus, alleviating feelings of guilt or the sense of failure in the healing process, and the sense of being overwhelmed and misused.
Essay: Community Mental Health Center
References: “I believe that education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living.” John Dewey, My Pedagogic Creed (1897) "Hope is both the earliest and the most indispensable virtue inherent in the state of being alive. If life is to be sustained hope must remain, even where confidence is wounded, trust impaired." (The Erik Erikson Reader, 2000) “A person cannot teach another person directly; a person can only facilitate another 's learning” (Carl Rogers, 1951) Rogers