It is true that a terrorist attack is different than a natural disaster, but a lot of the same services and resources will still be needed regardless of the incident type. It is the preparedness and forethought that is different. So, it’s the “unknown” circumstances of when, how and where a terrorist will attack. Therefore, it is important for local communities to understand and adopt new strategies to prevent this type of threat. Local law enforcement agencies will need to change their tactics and enlist the local citizens to become more involved in community policing strategies. Community policing is not a new concept, but one where the population across the country has forgotten. Lastly, local communities need to create an effective partnership with the public and private sectors of business and government to combat terrorism (Docobo, 2005). …show more content…
(2005). Community Policing as the Primary Prevention Strategy for Homeland Security at the Local Law Enforcement Level. Homeland Security Affairs 1, Article 4 (June 2005). Retrieved from