When it came to choosing a community, I had chosen the Mazeppa Food Shelf. Although the organization is somewhat small, the choices that we make and what we are able to accomplish can have a powerful impact on numerous individuals and families. Initially, I had set a few different goals that I would like to see implemented within this community. These included improving the communication between the members of the food shelf, educating individuals about paperwork, a possible update on the entry system, and working on the organizational aspects of the food shelf.
Out of these original goals, I have not been able to accomplish all of these. However, I feel as if I was able to make some sort of progress in at least some of these aspects. Over the past several weeks, I was able to educate at least one other person about what type …show more content…
of paperwork is needed for the clients at the food shelf. I was also able to help organize some of the important documents and previous meeting and service notes. With the help of one of the members of the board of trustees and the willingness for improvement, it has helped make some of these things possible. As well as, my dedication to helping the food shelf and helping others.
Although, I feel as if I was able to make a little bit of progress with some of the goals that I had set out to accomplish, I wasn’t able to touch on certain goals quite yet. These goals include personally helping make a difference in the communication aspect of these goals. As well as, working on or improving the entry system for the food shelf.
One reasons why I was not able to accomplish or make any progress with these goals is due to my school schedule not lining up with the food shelf schedule. Due to the fact that I have class when the food shelf is open, plays a role in what I am all able to accomplish during the school year. Another barrier includes not being able to communicate as often with the person who is on the board of trustees at the food shelf and works at Channel One. Since I am starting to transition back into working at Channel One again after a break for school, I will have a chance to communicate with some of the members of the board, more than I have been able to while I was on break. As summer draws closer, I will also have a better chance at being at the food shelf while it is open, as well as the ability to work on more things involving the food shelf.
As far as I know, there has been no meeting held between the board of trustees. As to when this will occur, I am not quite sure, but until it does occur, I have the ability to start thinking about what I would say or how I would address them when talking about some of these goals. Once everyone is all in one location, it may be easier to get my points across and for everyone to be able to listen each other’s ideas, rather than telling each individual separately.
During the meeting, it may be helpful for people to discuss their opinions about how things are going with the food shelf and things that they wish would be implemented. It will be important to remain open-minded and not biased in any way. Being in this position, we may also need to negotiate between some of the individuals who do not necessarily get along with each other. I would also clarify the paperwork that is needed from clients throughout the year. Along with mentioning possible ways to improve the entry system, which may involve brainstorming with the other individuals on the best way to go about doing this.
After a meeting takes place or I am able to dedicate more time to the food shelf, I hope to see some progress in accomplishing these goals. Whether this is through witnessing individuals communicate more within the food shelf or an improvement is made within the organizational aspect and with the entry system.
In the near future, I hope to have more time available to dedicate more time to the food shelf and to accomplishing these goals. Although, I do not expect any of these changes to occur overnight, I would like to see them implemented at some point. Since the food shelf is relatively new, it is still trying to make its mark and figure out what the best way of doing things is. Now is the best time to start implementing these goals, as well as others, since things are still somewhat fresh and not completely set in stone.
As an organization and as individuals, we must take into consideration the effects of our choices on the people we are trying to help.
As well as realizing that what may be working now, might not necessarily work in the future. For example, when dealing with the entry system, the way we are doing it now is better if we remain somewhat small. However, we are a growing organization with new clients each time that we are open. Which means that if the client base continues to grow, we will have to either adapt the current entry system or we will have to completely change it depending on the need. We as an organization need to put our own feelings about others to the side and focus on the population that we serve, in order to figure out the best way possible to help serve
Throughout my life, I have always wanted to help people in some shape or form. Starting at a young age, I was always encouraged to help others, regardless of what was in it for me. I was also told that one of the best ways to work through something difficult or to brainstorm ideas, was to talk through it with someone else. I feel as if these things helped to influence the development of the goals I have set for the food shelf and some of the ways I would like to accomplish these goals.