Dadrena Whigham
Colorado Technical University
CJUS630-1302A-01 Law Enforcement Management
Phase 4 individual Project
Assistant Professor Peter J. Herdt
May 6, 2013
While community policing is being touted by some as the panacea for all problems in the criminal justice system, others believe that it is just "old wine in a new bottle." Many departments around the country have embraced the tenets of community policing, yet few can answer the bottom-line question: Is it a better way to police?
This paper will provide a comprehensive history and evolution of Community
Policing; give a history of community policing and lessons learned in Clermont the importance results of per post community crime for evaluation present a crime tracking analysis model for community base
Profile Assessment and profile a new problem oriented policing data-base management system. These models represent the means for validating evaluating the impact and process of community policing initiatives through the use of technology with the
Whether community policing is the panacea for the city’s problems? The two styles of policing dealing with community policing and oriented problem policing
(Brown,1991) “There are two concepts that best perceived new organizational philosophies or strategies because they attempt to redefine the overall purpose of policing” with community policing it involves the police and the community work together and have a mutual understanding with trust and cooperation, that will empower the booth the police department as well as the community fight crime, drugs, and the dangers of apathy, despair, and unrest within the
References: Adams, T.F. (1971). Police patrol tactics and techniques. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Brown, L.P Brown, L.P., & Wycoff, M.A. (1987). Policing Houston: Reducing fear and improving service Coroner, G.W. (1986). Fear of crime and the police: An evaluation of a fearreduction strategy. Journal of Police Science and Administration, 14, pp. 223-233. DeWitt, C.B Spelman, W., & Eck, J.E. (1987a). Newport News tests problem-oriented policing. Washington D.C.: National Institute of Justice.