The three types of maltreatment; physical, sexual, and neglect abuse for Jews total population have a significance difference of which means that the overall in the Jewish localities were experiencing more maltreatment being reported. Furthermore, community characteristics were also significantly associated with the various types of reports. Physical and neglect abuse, both showed the highest correlation with unemployment. For instance, physical abuse has a negative correlation of -. 49 with unemployment, meaning that is a strong negative correlation between the two variables and also show a large effect. Also neglect has a negative correlation of -.51 both at a P < .01, meaning that it has a probability of less than .01 of committing a type 1 error under the curve. Sexual abuse showed a weaker negative correlation with unemployment at a Pearson r = -.28, P < .01 and with a size of the total population of r = .31, P < .01. It means that the relationship between sexual abuse and unemployment have a moderate effect size. In these three results of the relationship between physical, neglect and sexual abuse have an important outcome, it supports the hypothesis because the researchers can reject the null and accept the alternative that socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the localities are associated with the number of maltreatment …show more content…
It is interesting that people economic factors can be the influence of the total of maltreatment that has been reported by the Jews. But, the economic factor does not show an effect on the Arabs community. For instance, people who are unemployed at the Jews community tends to have higher physical, sexual, and neglect abuse than the Arabs community. But, the Arabs show a low reports of child maltreatment being associated with the unemployment. For instance, the Arab show a r = .04 of physical abuse and neglect abuse being reported which means that there is a weak correlation between the two variables and it shows a small effect size. But, it has a r = -.06 of sexual abuse on which is higher than the other types of abuse being reported. Unemployment and sexual abuse showed a negative, weak correlation with a small effect size. Furthermore, in the Arabs localities relationship between the age pattern and the types of maltreatment reported showed a strong correlation between the two variables. Children ages of 0-4 years have a significant statistic on physical abuse of r = .37 at a P < .01, meaning that it has a moderate correlation between the two variables with a magnitude of medium effect size. Also neglect shows a strong positive correlation of r = .56 at a P < .01, meaning that it has a magnitude of large effect size of the relationship