Venture Pty Ltd, which uses the Replaceable Rules for its Constitution, is a small proprietary company originally. As it is growing fast, the shareholders are all on the Board and they all have a number of complicated transactions with the company. Many of them are suppliers to the Company and most of them have loans or finance of some sort with the Company. The business is growing so fast that the original type and structure of the company may hinder the further development of the company’s business. So the existing shareholders want to expand and to do this they want to "float" the business as a Public listed company.
This report will discuss the process for Venture of changing the company type from a proprietary company to a public company and also make an investigation into the steps for it to becoming a publically listing company. What’s more, the discussion also focus on any constitutional matters that need to be dealt with when listing, any corporate governance practices that need to be adopted when becoming listed company, any main listing requirements provided in the ASX Listing Rules and Corporations Act with which need to be comply, and any disclosure obligations for Venture when involving in IPO and after becoming a publicly listing company.
ASX:The ASX operates a market for equity and debt securities issued by listed companies. To protect the integrity of that market, ASX has standards for the behavior of listed companies through its Listing Rules. The Issuers business unit makes day-to-day decisions about the application of the ASX Listing Rules. Guidance notes are also published to assist listed companies and their advisers to understand how certain listing rules and procedures operate.
1 The process of changing the Company and getting listed
The g shareholders of Venture Pty Ltd seek to change Venture to a public listed company for reasons, the principal one usually being to