Tim Ilderton
Adina Scruggs
Marketing Management-MKT 500
October 25, 2012
The company that I am making this marketing plan for is called “Cheers to your Health, Innovations for the Body and Soul”. “Cheers To Your Health” was founded in 1990 in North Carolina. Our founder Tim Ilderton was suffering with depression and struggling with his weight. He was unable to get himself motivated to go to the local gym because of his depression and unable to get out of his funk in large part due to all the weight he had gained since his divorce. Tim was able to finally seek treatment for his depression and through counseling and medication was finally able to motivate himself to get to the gym and change his eating habits. Tim looked back at journey and felt that he could help others that might be in a similar situation as he had been in by streamlining the process and making it more affordable. Tim was forced to go to several different counselors and psychiatrist before he found one that was able to help him. This cost him considerable time and money. He then had to go through several medications before one worked properly, this also cost him a lot of time and money. His next step was to find a gym he liked and a trainer that could not only help him develop an exercise routine, but a new diet as well. Tim found that most gyms had long commitment contacts that he did not want to sign without even knowing if they had someone on staff that could help him or if he would even like coming to this place in a month. He again had to try several different places before finding a fit that he could live with. This again cost him considerable time and money. Tim felt at times throughout the process that he might give up because it was too hard, but thankfully he did not. After he was able to recover from the depression and shed the extra weight he was overcome by a need to help
References: Iacobucci, I. (2012). MM2. Mason, OH: Cenage Learning. Fisher, Max. (2012, June 28). Here’s a Map of the Countries That Provide Universal Health Care (America’s Still Not on It). The Atlantic. Retrieved October 23,2012, from http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/06/heres-a-map-of-the-countries-that-provide-universal-health-care-americas-still-not-on-it/259153/ Sturgeon, Shona. (2007). Promoting mental health as an essential aspect of health promotion. Health Promotion International. Retrieved October 23, 2012, from http://heapro.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/suppl_1/36.full