1. Agency Relationship
Principal authorizes Agent to enter into legal transactions (contract) with Third Party on Principal’s behalf Agency relationship between P and A
A’s obligations to P:
1. Act according to terms of appointment and within scope of authority
2. Not liable to P or TP
3. Carries out duties with care and skill, keep true and proper accounts
4. Cannot conflict P’s interest / act for personal gains
5. Cannot delegate whole duty to others
P’s obligations to A:
1. Remuneration
2. Reasonable Expenses in carrying out P’s duties
P can be disclosed or undisclosed (as if A acting on own behalf).
Disclosed P can be named or unnamed.
Actual authority can be
1. Express: Written / Oral (contract/consent)
2. Implied by conduct
- acts necessary or reasonably incidental to effective execution of duties e.g. put up ads
- do everything a person in a business/profession normally authorized to do
- estoppel authority: silence is a representation that you agree/approve
A & T relationship
General rule: A has no obligations/rights under contract towards T
1. P is undisclosed *refer to P&T Point 2*
2. Parties intended (express/implied) A to be contracting party
3. A acted without authority
T can sue A for breach of warranty of authority
Claim damages (Incurred expenses / loss)
P & T relationship
1. A has actual authority, P is disclosed and named.
Both P and T can sue or be sued. A cannot be sued.
2. A has actual authority, P is disclosed but unnamed.
T can only sue P, UNLESS contract is made with A as well. T is bound.
2. A has actual authority, P is undisclosed.
T can either sue A OR P.
P and sue T unless it is unfair to P.
NOTE: If P and T had conflict, T unaware that transaction with A was done on behalf if P contract does not hold cuz unfair to T.
3. A has