Easterbrook, F., & Fischel, D. (1985). Limited liability and the corporation. The Inversity of Chicago Law Review, 89-117.…
According to the fact of this case, Parent Co. (Parent) wholly owns Poor Son Co. (Poor Son) as a legal subsidiary, and both of them all nonpublic companies. However, in January 2007 Poor Son filed a voluntary bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the U.S. bankruptcy code because of its inability of meet obligations as they became due. Then, Parent claimed the loss of control of Poor Son and deconsolidated Poor Son from its financial statement. Through the bidding process in May 2009, Poor Son and OtherCo, the winning sponsor, filed a joint plan of reorganization to the bankruptcy court, but the plan was rescinded by OtherCo later due to significant market value shrink of Poor Son. After that, the bankruptcy court reopened the bidding process and recommended Parent’s plan of reorganization in August 2010. Finally, Parent received final confirmation of Poor Son’s plan.…
Firstly it must be emphasised that through incorporation J is a separate legal entity from its founder, shareholders and directors as demonstrated in the landmark case of Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd . Lord Halsbury LC made the judgement that once a company is legally incorporated it must be treated as a separate legal entity. This important legal principle is accounted for in the Corporations Act 2001 s124(1) which states that “a company has the legal capacity and powers of an individual” .…
provisions in Part 2M.3 of the Act. In the context of this book parent and subsidiaries are typically…
Corporation law (its own entity thus owns assets and liability) – furthermore shareholders also have ownership.…
A corporation is considered a legitimate entity that is governed by law. As a artificial person, a corporation can perform every one of the errands that a genuine person can do, similar to pay expenses, collect obligation, go into contracts, be considered responsible for carelessness and make a profit. (Miller 462) A corporation must be developed by one or more people. The shareholders record Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. The minute the Articles of Incorporation are in place, the pay state charges for incorporation (Miller 489) At the point when the sum total of what necessities have been met, a state official ordinarily the Secretary of State – issues the sanction. (Miller 467) Entrepreneurs should have a lawyer document the papers. (Miller 457) Attributable to the legitimate structures of corporations, there are various focal points:…
The House of Lords in Salomon v Salomon1 affirmed the legal principle that, upon incorporation, a company is generally considered to be a new legal entity separate from its shareholders. The court did this in relation to what was essentially a one person company. Windeyer J, in the High Court in Peate v Federal Commissioner of Taxation,2 stated that a company represents:…
Section 126(1): a company’s power to make, vary, ratify or discharge a contract may be exercised by an individual acting with the company’s express or implied…
“Like limited partnerships, the corporation did not exist at common law; it is a form of business organization that owes its existence to statutes in all states that provide guidelines for its creation and management. Unlike a partnership, the corporation is a legal entity in the eyes of the law—an artificial person that enjoys an existence apart from the individuals who own or manage it.”…
2. Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees House Ltd [1947] 1 KB 130…
Facts: Mick, Keith, Charlie, Bill and Brian were directors and equal shareholder of Big Lips Music Pty Ltd. Brian resigned his directorship as a result of differences with Mick, Keith, Bill and Charlie. The others wanted to get rid of Brian as a shareholder. However, Brian told them that he would never sell his shares in Big Lips Music. A general meeting of Big Lips Music’s shareholders is called at which there is a motion to insert a new clause in the company’s constitution that gives Mick, Keith, Bill and Charlie the right to compulsorily acquire Brian’s shares for their issue price. What is the process for inserting a new clause in the company’s constitution? Can Brian prevent the new clause being inserted even thought the others shareholders passed a special resolution that that effect? Required: Student 1 ‐ Advise the other shareholders of Big Lips Music (the Plaintiffs) what is the process for inserting this new clause in the company’s constitution. If they insert this new clause can they acquire Brian’s shares for the issue price? Student 2 ‐ Advise Brian (the Defendant) whether he can prevent the new clause being inserted by the other shareholders and if so how? If he can not prevent it will he have to sell his shares for their issue price? Parties The Majority Mick – Director and shareholder Keith – Director and shareholder Charlie – Director and shareholder Bill – Director and shareholder The Minority Brian – Shareholder Issues…
[5] Lipton et al, (2010), Understanding Company Law, 15th Edition, Thomson Reuters, Pyrmont, pg 113.…
In 1897 the case of Salomon v A. Salomon & Co. Ltd was concluded, a highly regarded case within company law due to the Separate Entity Principle outlined, the principal which became widely known as the Salomon Principle. This piece will summarise the case in order to identify the importance it has in company law, along with identifying under what circumstance the Salomon Principle might be ignored by the courts. The final section will conclude with a subjective view of the Salomon Principle.…
The main issue in the question� entails a discussion relates to corporate entity or personality. As noted a key feature of the company is that is a legal person with a separate existence from the company 's members� or its directors. It is an artificial person in the eye of law that exist independently and separate from any other entity associated with the company. As a consequences a company can enter into contracts with its own shareholders� and own property in its own right. Beside that, a company can sue and be sued and taxed in its own name� and it can hold its own property and is actually liable for its own debts. This idea refers to the fact that the shareholders hold limited liability, and therefore, is not liable for the debts that belong to the company.…
At first instance, the case entitled Broderip v SalomonVaughan Williams J said Mr Broderip 's claim was valid. It was undisputed that the 200 shares were fully paid up. He said the company had a right of indemnity against Mr Salomon. He said the signatories of the memorandum were mere dummies; the company was just Mr Salomon in another form, an alias, his agent. Therefore it was entitled to indemnity from the principal. The liquidator amended the counter claim, and an award was made for indemnity.…