Egyptian and Mesopotamian women have many similarities and differences politically and socially. These countries both had limited rights to their women, but they were not equal to men. Politically, Egyptian women had more opportunities and respect. They had more status than Mesopotamian women. They participated in their government more. They were allowed to hold government positions, such as the pharaoh, which is the ruler. Since they had a good status, they were respected and treated equally, unless they were a lower class. They also influenced their cities.
Politically, Mesopotamian women had little respect and no opportunities. They were not respected and not treated equally. They had a lower status then the men of Mesopotamia. Their job was to stay at home to take care of young, cook, and clean. They were not allowed to hold any government positions. They were also not allowed to have freedom compared to Mesopotamian women. Socially both Mesopotamian and Egyptian women had limited rights. In Egypt, the women were allowed to own property. They could even sell private property. They could divorce their spouse. They could free slaves. They could sue. They also could resolve legal settlements. Compared to Mesopotamian women, Egyptian women had more freedom. Mesopotamian women had less freedom than Egyptian women. Socially women who could afford statuses were usually royalty and were part of the royal family. Mesopotamian women could sell beer, or own their own business. They were really supposed to stay at home and do work. They were also seen as property. As you can see, the women in these civilizations have similar rights, but have many differences. Egyptian women were treated like goddesses. The Egyptian women get treated better than the Mesopotamian women. They both have limited rights. They were never equal to men. At least they had some