For most time a tragedy is more appealing than a comedy. Because it can cause great suffering, and destruction so that readers will not forget it for a long time. Probably because of tragic elements, both Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee are well known works. At the same time, there are sort of similarities between them. By examining, conflicts, weaknesses of humanity and deaths, common elements of tragedy are demonstrated.
The first tragic similarity in Romeo and Juliet and To Kill A Mockingbird is they both have conflicts. For example, the conflict of the Capulets and the Montagues is stated at the very beginning of the play. These two families are of equal noble rank, “[i]n fair Verona, break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean ”(Shakespeare I pro 1-4 ). Both families obtain similar identities and wealth. Unfortunately, they are foes and the “new mutiny” is sharper because of “civil blood”. As a result, neither side will allow their family members keep any connections with each other, this hate is the source of the tragedy in Romeo and Juliet’s love. Similar in To Kill Mockingbird, the divide between white and black communities is as sharp as it between the Montagues and the Capulets. For instance, in the Maycomb town square white and black people are waiting separately for the trail start. Scout sees Mr. Dolphus Raymond staying with black people in the corner. She is confused that a white man sitting with black people. Jem tells her he has a black wife and some mixed children, who “don’t belong anywhere. Colored
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folks won’t have’em because they’re half white; white folks won’t have ’em ’cause they’re colored, so they’re just in-betweens” (Lee 161). Exactly, because Mr. Dolphus Raymond’s wife is colored,
Cited: Shakespeare, William, Romeo and Juliet, Ed. Alan Durband, London, Barron’s Educational Series, Inc, 1985 Lee, Harper, To Kill A Mockingbird, Warner Books. Inc, New York