Many people today have their thoughts on how the Earth was created. Christians take a biblical perspective of how the universe was created by a creator. One thought that Christians believe is that God created the earth and accomplished this in six days and rested on the seventh day. This is the model of how a week is set up and the model that we currently follow. Jon W. Green states “though differences of opinion exist for various doctrinal issues within Christianity, few are more divisive than controversies surrounding the days of creation and the age of the Earth.” As stated previously many people have thoughts and are curious as to how the Earth itself came into existence. When it comes to the scientific community there are two major theories the old earth view and the young earth view. The two conflicting points of view vary in the idea of how long the it took to create the earth and how old the Earth is. Many creationist take the side of believing that the world was created in six twenty-four hours days and that the Earth itself is no more than 6,000 years old. Whereas those who believe in the old earth theories believe that the earth was formed over a longer period of time. There are two concepts of how these happened the Big bang theory and the six day creation theory. Each of these relates back to the age of the earth.
Young - Earth View
In the Bible it clearly stated in Genesis 1 -5 how the earth was made and the order that God created things and as the Bible states He says that things were good. The scripture itself speaks of only six literal days used to create the earth. As stated by Terry Mortenson, MDiv, PhD (2011) the thoughts of a young earth creationist are as follows “Young-earth creationists believe that the creation days of Genesis 1 were six literal (24-hour) days, which occurred 6,000–12,000 years ago. They believe that about 2,300–3,300 years before Christ, the surface of the earth was radically rearranged by Noah’s