When young people are set into a dull and constant living environment ,they will have a sense of being trapped and even they will grasp an idea to escape from their original life.The protagonist in A&P Sammy is a cashier and lives in a small town “ five miles from beach”.He is young and fed up with the life currency “the women generally put on a shirt or shorts or something else before they get out…..with six children…”.The common figures of women seem have rooted in his heart and which will never lit his flames of passion.He is cynical as he considers everyone around him as sheep and “there’s people in this town haven’t seen the ocean for twenty years”. Analogously, in Araby the young boy lives in an area where “ being blind….an uninhabited house of two storeys stood at the blind end……imperturbable faces”. It fully pictured the dullness and the gloominess of that city in Ireland. Both stories show the protagonists are not satisfied with their current life ,only boredom occupies their life whole.
Adolescents are tend to be more impetuous and generally they do not allow the dullness of life to trigger the feeling of delight in their daily life. Both characters are looking for something new to spicy up their lives. “ In walks these three girls in nothing but bathing suits.” have attracted Sammy’s attention “ just her…it was more than pretty..The longer her neck was ,the more of her there was” obviously the leading girl who he calls Queeny is the light which illuminates Sammy’s path to wholeness. For the boy in Araby