What motivates people to become victims of these eating disorders varies. Males and more commonly females, who have anorexia feel they should stop eating not only to be skinny but also because they want to “disappear.” Anorexia nervosa can stem from the inability to form attachments to others. The victim's’ thoughts, feelings, and personalities are lost, leading them to feel that their individuality as person no longer exists. Unlike anorexia, bulimia is compulsive binge eating followed by purging through self-induced vomiting or use of laxatives. It is typically provoked by seeing thin celebrities or peers on social media or in magazines, and then desiring to be thin also. Bulimics are …show more content…
Some of the physical effects of anorexia include long-term heart problems, kidney failure, fatigue, and in some cases, death. Anorexics lose weight much more drastically than bulimics, and they refuse to maintain a normal body weight. On the other hand, the physical effects of bulimia are deterioration of the esophagus, dental cavities, and vitamin deficiency. The esophagus is damaged by acids due to the purging a bulimic does to get rid of the good he or she just consumed. Vomiting almost five times daily can also cause teeth to rot because of the digestive acids. Unlike anorexics, bulimics can maintain a relatively normal body weight; however, both eating disorders must be treated before it is too