Benjamin Franklin and William Penn were different in many ways, but they both helped to create Philadelphia. William Penn was a Quaker that was born in England, and he was the son of an admiral in the navy. The Quakers were not treated very well in England because the king, King Charles the second, wanted everyone to be Protestant. That is why the king created the church of England that was for Protestants only. King charles even went as far as executing people for their beliefs. Penn wanted to continue his Quaker beliefs, so he decided to move to America. When king Charles died he left Penn land this land is today’s state of Pennsylvania. When Penn got to America he made the colony of Pennsylvania. William penn decided he wanted his colony…
Wood presents important supporting evidence that Franklin is more complex than his stereotype. In his book, Wood follows two broad courses, from Franklin’s difficult progress from an English supporter, to becoming a more committed American. In chapter one, "Becoming a Gentlemen," Wood lists events chronologically that were a result of Franklin's…
When thinking of Benjamin Franklin, two thoughts come to my mind. His part in the founding of electricity due to his experiments with the kite and the key was engraved in my head from a young age. Also, the familiar face found at the center of possibly my favorite piece of paper I could have in my wallet at any time. But what lead to Benjamin Franklin being a figure so known and idolized, not only in early British American history but, in our world today? The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin outlines the life of a proclaimed self made man whose knowledge and hard work lead him to be a powerful and admired public figure in British North America. By implementing Toby Ditz’s idea surrounding masculinity that “the larger gender order within which masculinity is embedded is also fundamentally about…
What we read in class of Ben Franklin's writing showed a new concept called rationalism. His ideas were about how self-improvement is reflected in a rationalist’s beliefs. There were virtues that he believed were important for how a person should live their lives,…
Benjamin Franklin used the experiences of his daily life to write astronomical and astrological information needed by European countries during his oversees stays. In his autobiography, he also expresses the fact that one must do whatever it takes to make his or her dream come true. His writings were influenced by the calamity of the Revolutionary War and also by many of his colleagues, especially David Hume. Mr. Franklin’s home and school are brought up numerous times in his writing amplifying the fact that he never forget about the events and education that he received…
Have you ever wanted to know more about Benjamin Franklin? I mean we learn about him in our history books, for the kite experiment, and help develop the Declaration of Independence, but there is so much more. Like his early childhood, what he did when he was a child, some of his favorite hobbies. Or have you ever wondered what else he did, because he has invented to so many machines, and helped change America. Even though Franklin is gone, there are still some people who share some traits with him, who knows, maybe their influence was from Ben Franklin.…
From the end of the 1700s and through the early 1800s, America was beginning to see a change in civilization. People were moving from Puritan thoughts and ways towards a new way of a less superstitious, more scientific and intellectual interchange. This movement called the Age of Enlightenment influenced the styles and writings of those like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine.…
Much of the success had by Benjamin Franklin coming from a poor family and turning into a wealthy individual was due to a few important people in his life. Franklin had about him very desirable qualities, for most people that he had met quickly gained interest in him and were willing to help him, Franklin however, never took any of this for granted. Benjamin Franklin had outstanding core values about him that were installed by a select few people growing up. The person who taught him the most important values in his life was his father, Josiah Franklin. Josiah, as described by Benjamin as “ingenious”, taught at a very young age the fundamental properties of thinking…
Imagine a person who could excel in many subjects, like math, science, and being a leader. Not only does Benjamin Franklin fall into this category, he is also an influential thinker, a scientist, and an inventor. Today, we recognize him as an important leader and scientist of the United States, along with his face depicted on the 100 dollar bill. In history, he had many wonderful achievements. He was also a very important person in the history of the United States.…
Many enlightened thinkers believed in the concept of God as being good-natured and caring; A benevolent God who created the world, set it in motion, and gave humans the power to comprehend all of his establishments. Although Benjamin Franklin did absorb the curiosity which went along with the ideas of the enlightenment, Franklin pushed God aside, and even criticized religious leaders in his weekly newspaper. He never denied God’s existence, rather he focussed on pragmatic political motives, as opposed to religion. Although Benjamin Franklin did not put his attention towards, or agree with all of the religious views which were popular during the age of the enlightenment, the enlightenment’s main focus was not religion. It was the search for…
Although his printing career was successful, he had many other accomplishments that make him one of the most influential Founding Fathers in America. A major accomplishment of his was when he successfully negotiated to form an essential military alliance with France in 1778 as the American Revolution progressed, as well as negotiating the Treaty of Paris in 1783 after the Americans emerged victorious in the Revolution. Additionally, Franklin was a significant contributor to the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766. Franklin was appointed to be the first Postmaster General in the U.S. in 1775, and he was one of the five men that drafted the Declaration of Independence in 1776. One of the things that peaks my interest in Benjamin Franklin and what inspired me to choose him for this essay is his passion for science and his inventions. Before he turned his interest to electricity and conducted his renowned kite-and-key experiment to demonstrate that lightning was a form of electricity, he had previously invented a flexible catheter, a heat-efficient stove, the Armonica, swim fins, and bifocals. Franklin got the nickname the “First American” because he was a genuine polymath and tycoon in the eyes of the public. The last public act that he was involved in was in 1789, when he wrote an anti-slavery treatise. The most interesting fact that I discovered about Franklin is that he was an ardent chess player. Seeing as how I really enjoy playing chess, I found this newfound information quite fascinating. In 1999, Ben was initiated into the United States Chess Hall of Fame and the second oldest chess club in the U.S., The Franklin Mercantile Chess Club in Philadelphia, was named in honor of him. If I was given the opportunity to have a face-to-face encounter with the “First American,” Benjamin Franklin, I would ask him if he thought America would…
Benjamin franklin was a singular man with a keen mind that” Soared above the clouds”. Benjamin franklin, born in Boston, Massachusetts, was one of the Founding fathers of the United States and one of the most brilliant and versatile men in America. He proudly described himself as a printer, but he was also a journalist, scientist, inventor, author, diplomat and statesman. He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He is also known for his early scientific research in the field of electricity.…
Benjamin Franklin was a man of many talents. He became well known around the globe for his jobs as being an inventor, printer, scientist, diplomat, postmaster, and politician. He was the most known for drafting the Declaration of Independence with other founding fathers. Ben gave huge contributions to our world during his time living.…
People often have thoughts about other people having more enviable achievements than themselves do, but even if they think about doing things to change, their lack of perseverance still causes a poor outcome next time. Benjamin Franklin is one of the best example of a successful image throughout the history. Although having no eminent family background, he had himself work-hard to become a admirable person, one of the Founding Fathers of United States. Everyone fairly has 24 hours per day, yet he was able to surpass so many people in different realms. Benjamin Franklin had been through innumerable setbacks in his entire life, but other than making up excuses for his previous failures, on the other hand, Benjamin Franklin faced, understood,…
In the 18th century, Europeans experienced the beginning of the age of knowledge, advancements in science and math, and the age of Enlightenment. The views on the advancements made in society were very optimistic. People began to rely more on science, than religion, to better explain the world and the society. These optimistic ideas of the Enlightenment were expressed mainly in literature and essays. The Enlightenment thinkers used the scientific method to apply in society to justify world beliefs. The Enlightenment thinkers also applied the use of reason and belief of religious toleration and perfected government. These concepts reflected the optimism of the Enlightenment period.…