The end result of one’s journey varies for each person, portrayed by Beowulf and Dante. Both endured famous journeys, but differed by one ending in death and the other ending in life. Dante chose to over come his fatal flaws, the seven deadly sins, and grew spiritually and gained a greater life. Beowulf chose to give into his fatal flaw, pride, and found himself fall short and lost his life. Every human has this choice, to uncover our flaws to overcome them and find a life of enlightenment, or to choose the life of sinful desires and fall upon the path the leads us to
The end result of one’s journey varies for each person, portrayed by Beowulf and Dante. Both endured famous journeys, but differed by one ending in death and the other ending in life. Dante chose to over come his fatal flaws, the seven deadly sins, and grew spiritually and gained a greater life. Beowulf chose to give into his fatal flaw, pride, and found himself fall short and lost his life. Every human has this choice, to uncover our flaws to overcome them and find a life of enlightenment, or to choose the life of sinful desires and fall upon the path the leads us to