The moons of Jovian planets are normally pretty icey since they are far from the sun, but some have volcanic activity that shape their surface. Of course all the object in the solar system are shaped by impact cratering because this happens all over the solar system. The interior structure of Terrestrial planets are hard to study because we cant really reach them, even on Earth. We do know that on Earth there is a lot of pressure and extremely high temperatures, so we know we have a hot core. The surface is cold, but as you go deeper into the core it gets hotter and more liquid. The same, other than surface temperature, goes for the other Terrestrial planets, but some have thicker crust that makes volcanic activity less likely to actually effect the surface. The interior core of the Jovian planets is very similar to the metal cores of Terrestrial planets, but outside their cores there is way more gas that makes the interior core almost impossible to research. The main difference between the Jovian planets is that some got more helium and hydrogen than the others, so they reacted differently to outside gravity forces and temperatures. Their internal heat comes from the sun and also from within. Saturn and Neptune produce more energy than they take from the
The moons of Jovian planets are normally pretty icey since they are far from the sun, but some have volcanic activity that shape their surface. Of course all the object in the solar system are shaped by impact cratering because this happens all over the solar system. The interior structure of Terrestrial planets are hard to study because we cant really reach them, even on Earth. We do know that on Earth there is a lot of pressure and extremely high temperatures, so we know we have a hot core. The surface is cold, but as you go deeper into the core it gets hotter and more liquid. The same, other than surface temperature, goes for the other Terrestrial planets, but some have thicker crust that makes volcanic activity less likely to actually effect the surface. The interior core of the Jovian planets is very similar to the metal cores of Terrestrial planets, but outside their cores there is way more gas that makes the interior core almost impossible to research. The main difference between the Jovian planets is that some got more helium and hydrogen than the others, so they reacted differently to outside gravity forces and temperatures. Their internal heat comes from the sun and also from within. Saturn and Neptune produce more energy than they take from the