Each step Jesus took as a God-Man He was making history. Letting us know that we can make it. We are created in God’s image, just …show more content…
If I was to compare Christian Theism to naturalism, it is the very opposite. Because a Christian knows God exit a naturalist denies the exits of God. Yes, we believe in a God we can not see; faith is a big part of this. He has proven Himself to us; some people have experience miracles, and healing.
Naturalist believes if you listen to the airways of the universe you will hear a tree whisper the answer to life for them, believing they are one with the universe. Claiming some kind of force of nature is leading them. The bible clearly tells the Christian Theism Believer that satan is the prince of the power of the air.
If people put their faith in the cosmos, science, and laws they will always be searching for a hope that lies within. They cannot find or feel the hope within for the god of this world has blinded their minds. They believe when they are tired of searching one day they will disappear, however they will never disappear but meet my God at the Great White