Towards the end of the novel the Minister of the Interior; who is under fire by the general public and media for the use of the Ludovico technique (unethical aversion therapy) on Alex which resulted in Alex trying to kill himself; makes a deal with Alex. The deal is that if Alex supports the government publicly and takes pictures with the Minister smiling and showing he is a ‘’good man’’, the government will in return give Alex a job and turn a blind eye to any of the violent crimes he has and will commit. Alex accepts and then goes on continuing to do “...the old ultraviolence” (Burgess 1) ;as he calls his violent actions; and the government is fine with this as long as their pristine image is upheld. While the movie ends on this scene (we do not get to see the ultraviolence after this) the deal he strikes with the Minister is the same and it is implied that he does continue after with his violent acts. The minister says
Towards the end of the novel the Minister of the Interior; who is under fire by the general public and media for the use of the Ludovico technique (unethical aversion therapy) on Alex which resulted in Alex trying to kill himself; makes a deal with Alex. The deal is that if Alex supports the government publicly and takes pictures with the Minister smiling and showing he is a ‘’good man’’, the government will in return give Alex a job and turn a blind eye to any of the violent crimes he has and will commit. Alex accepts and then goes on continuing to do “...the old ultraviolence” (Burgess 1) ;as he calls his violent actions; and the government is fine with this as long as their pristine image is upheld. While the movie ends on this scene (we do not get to see the ultraviolence after this) the deal he strikes with the Minister is the same and it is implied that he does continue after with his violent acts. The minister says