Many community colleges have a lower tuition fee since you may not have to pay for a dorm room and a meal plan. Many bigger universities charge more for tuition due to the student having to pay for room and board. Community colleges may also charge less per credit than larger universities. The last and final difference between a community college and a bigger university is class size. Many larger universities have classes with one hundred or more students in them while a community college may have a class size of fifty or less. I believe that a bigger class size decreases the student’s communication with their teacher. Bigger class sizes may not allow the student to get to know their classmates as well. At a community college with smaller class sizes the student can communicate easier with their teacher as well as get to know and make relationships with their
Many community colleges have a lower tuition fee since you may not have to pay for a dorm room and a meal plan. Many bigger universities charge more for tuition due to the student having to pay for room and board. Community colleges may also charge less per credit than larger universities. The last and final difference between a community college and a bigger university is class size. Many larger universities have classes with one hundred or more students in them while a community college may have a class size of fifty or less. I believe that a bigger class size decreases the student’s communication with their teacher. Bigger class sizes may not allow the student to get to know their classmates as well. At a community college with smaller class sizes the student can communicate easier with their teacher as well as get to know and make relationships with their