Bangladesh is rated among the nations for the worst corruption. “The government 's cash squeeze suggests that misappropriation of public resources is continuing apace. Normal budget accounting is nonexistent, and bank officials cannot understand how the government can be broke, especially because it has directly received some of the oil money, about $38 million, for its general budget. Allowing the government to take money from the London escrow fund might only invite further waste and would set a terrible precedent for future projects in the oil and mining sector, bank official’s fear, by signaling that such "ring-fencing" arrangements don 't work.” (Paul Bluestein, Washington Post) The two least corrupt countries in the world are Iceland and Finland. The geographical status and a small population are some factors that play a part in corruption not
References: 3. Bluestein, Paul (2005). Washington Post: World Bank’s Wolfowitz faces corruption in Chad. Funding for pipline at stake, retrieved 25 February 2008, from http://www.sf gate .com/cgi-bin/article. 5. Ferrell, Fraedirich, and Ferrell. (2008). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, The Importance of Business Ethics.