Kimberly Gulley
Axia College,
ADJ 215 Criminology
Robert Clark
December 23, 2007
Introduction: Hizballah (Party of God)
Hizballah (Party of God)
a.k.a. Islamic Jihad, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, and Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
The Hizballah, or “Party of God” is an Islamic militant group that was established in 1982 after the overtaking of Lebanon by the Israeli military. The formation of the Hizballah began at the start of the Lebanese war by a group of Shiite Muslims calling themselves the “Party of God”. Under the influence of the late Ayatollah Khomeini, and the ideas of Iranian revolution, the group formed in a commitment of ultimate Islamic rule in Lebanon. The leader General Hasan Nasrallah has been quoted as saying “we are heading . . . toward the end and elimination of Israel from the region” (Pike, 2005). The primary focus is to eliminate all non-Muslim forces from Lebanon and liberate Jerusalem from Israeli rule, using deadly force. The slogan of the radical group is “Will continue to be death to America” (Pike, 2005). The Hizballah have actively been a part of Lebanon politics since 1992 and have allies with Iran and Syria. Under the rule of Secretary General Hasan Nasrallah, the Hizballah have been responsible for waves of deadly attacks including an attack on the U.S. Embassy and on the US Marine base in Beirut. As of now three members of the Hizballah are on the FBI’s most wanted list for the hijacking of TWA flight 847 and murder of a United States Navy diver in 1985 (Site According to the State Departments 1993 report, the Hizballah are a strong group with approximately 5,000-10,000 radical Muslim fighters. Today negotiations are underway between Lebanese parties and Israel government to seize terrorist acts and find a peaceful resolution between both parties. In this paper I intend explain the
References: Pike, J. (July, 2006). Hizballah, Party of God. Retrieved December 19, 2007, from Hizballah (Party of God). (2007). Retrieved December 21, 2007, from Barrie-Anthony, S. (1999). Terrorism and Religious Extremism: A Mindful Approach. Retrieved December 22, 2007, from