When one thinks about all the products there are on a market, he rarely stops to think about all the work each company does to suit the customer’s needs; for every item, there are very specific marketing categories which need to be met. Considering that the market is entirely based on the customer (“The customer is always right!”) the whole idea of marketing concept revolves around three key elements: customer wants, customer needs and customer demands. Let’s take three examples into consideration: Red Bull drink, Nike Trainers, and Apple iPod. They all come from different sectors, but the initial concept marketing specialists have to meet is the same: what can we do with these products, in order to have a customer buy them?
As a customer buys a product, he is looking for- generally speaking, four simple things: quality, style, price and personality. Companies are in constant competition with each other for the top selling positions. Considering the previously cited companies are all top of their sector, what assures their place?
The first thing that catches a potential customer’s attention is the way the product is presented. The logo, as a start, says a lot of the product one wants to buy. Let’s take Red Bull as an example. When people want an energy drink, everyone knows that Red Bull is the best. Why is that? Because there are a lot of elements, both conscious and unconscious, which come into play. Let’s take into consideration Red Bull’s logo: it’s made of red two tarsus’ fighting with each other. The image that is immediately conveyed into a person’s mind is that of strength and endurance. As a matter of fact, in Celtic symbolism the bull represented physical strength and power. To the Celtic way of thought, the bull was also extremely virile. A customer who recognizes himself in this