Both the Democratic and the Republican parties promote the need for prison privatization and military budget increase, supplemented by the political striving to cut the tax burden on the rich. Similarities 1. Neither the Republicans, nor the Democrats are prepared to increase the tax burden, which the American population …show more content…
The Republican idea of national stability is excellently well described in a simple phrase “individual success” (Freeman 330). That means that Republicans emphasize the importance of individual strivings to better quality of life, and neglect social and political barriers that can prevent parties from achieving the desirable political outcomes. At the other side of well-being debate Democrats promote their vision of fairness. “They are rather skeptical that there is a linear relationship between individual effort, ability and reward and feel that a major function of government is to make life fairer” (Freeman 334). Unfortunately, neither of the two parties has succeeded to identify the criteria for achieving fairness and individual success in politics; and here, Republicans are absolutely similar to Democrats. In conclusion, despite the increasing gap between the Republican and the Democratic parties, both fail to provide clear criteria that will determine the success of their political initiatives. Republicans and Democrats may promote different views on abortion, military aggression, and same-sex marriages, but one thing is evident: the striving to dominate on the political arena will always serve the central political motive for both parties, regardless the specific political conditions in the U.S. and social