Columbus was a European who as a kid was taught how to write in english through schooling and everyday tasks, this is evident in where Columbus says, “The diversity in the appearance of the feathered tribe from those of our country is extremely curious”(Columbus 63). Equiano was not taught as a child through extensive schooling how to write in english and I am not positive that he learned through any real schooling for anything in Africa. As a slave he had to teach himself to read and write and didn’t get a chance to learn from educated teachers, after he had earned he freedom he continued to learn and grow in his writings until he could write his stories. THis makes the two different, in a huge way because they both learned to write their stories in different ways and in different conditions. In conclusion, Columbus and Equiano are very different . Their stories or journals were written in a time and conditions that truly detailed their writings. It is very hard to find similarities because the two had a very different life from one another and this evident in their writings. There experiences made them and made their writings, giving you biased and factual information. This makes both writings very different in what their meaning was and what it is that they were trying to get
Columbus was a European who as a kid was taught how to write in english through schooling and everyday tasks, this is evident in where Columbus says, “The diversity in the appearance of the feathered tribe from those of our country is extremely curious”(Columbus 63). Equiano was not taught as a child through extensive schooling how to write in english and I am not positive that he learned through any real schooling for anything in Africa. As a slave he had to teach himself to read and write and didn’t get a chance to learn from educated teachers, after he had earned he freedom he continued to learn and grow in his writings until he could write his stories. THis makes the two different, in a huge way because they both learned to write their stories in different ways and in different conditions. In conclusion, Columbus and Equiano are very different . Their stories or journals were written in a time and conditions that truly detailed their writings. It is very hard to find similarities because the two had a very different life from one another and this evident in their writings. There experiences made them and made their writings, giving you biased and factual information. This makes both writings very different in what their meaning was and what it is that they were trying to get