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What defines both Fight Clubs is the narrator and he is the same in both. We hear his thoughts in both and this internal dialogue throughout the entire piece. For example in both pieces he periodically thinks, I am Joe’s___ and then instead of ___ something morbid. The narrator also follows the same path to self destruction in both medias. The majority of the major events are the same. The narrator can’t sleep, he goes to support groups for mortal conditions, he meets Marla, he meets Tyler, Fight Club starts, Project Mayhem begins. The character are also the same play near identical roles: Tyler as all that the narrator wants to be, Bob and his death, the narrator's boss. The one exception to this is Marla, the narrator's love. Marla’s personality is the same in both but her role and relationship are constructed differently although to a similar effect in the film. Although the movie and book of Fight Club are very similar it still has a few defined differences that reveal different views of the story. Reviewing the differences of devices and ending shows how the movie took the book and improved it. The similarities review what stands out about the story and what defines its essence. By comparing and contrasting both pieces a greater understanding of what each brought can be drawn and provide a window to see the mechanics of