Block Two
Giver Essay
Imagine, living in a utopia. Life would be perfect...or would it? Everyone else thinks that this world that you live in is one of the worlds that you see in TV commercials. With the happy family, big family home, comfy sofas, and a big red SUV outside. Is life really like that? Is there life with no conflicts, no war? Is life on Mars perfect for aliens, where nobody gets hurt, where nobody fails? The answer is no. Life is a rocky, steep road. It isn’t flat, smooth, and level. do these citizens know what actually goes on? Assigned spouses, assigned jobs, assigned children? Black and white. Do the citizens of Jonas’ so-called “utopia” actually living in one? In the book, The Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas becomes the receiver, the receiver's job is to keep all of the memories. Since this society is black and white, none of the citizens have memories, which is why there is a receiver. The receiver of the society keeps all of the memories, new and old, pleasant and unpleasant. In the Novel, The Giver by Lois Lowry, and the song “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift both explore conflict and cons of love.
In the novel The Giver by Lois Lowry, and the song “Bad Blood” by Taylor Swift both explore …show more content…
The Giver talks about life's problems in a so-called “utopia”, and “Bad Blood talks more about how the artist was hurt by someone else. As humans, I think that we can to not expect a perfect life; cannot expect everything to go as expected and that there is no “utopia”! As humans, I also think that we can learn what the importance of telling the truth is. In the story, when Jonas didn’t learn about a release, he thought that people were sent elsewhere, but when he found out, it turned out that people were killed! This caused Jonas a huge shock, and it seemed that as if Jonas had a nervous