By 1945, the Germans and their collaborators killed nearly two out of every three European Jews as part of the …show more content…
Upon the arrival in the concentration camps, they were stripped of all worldly possessions that they still had, including their own clothes, which were replaced with prisoner uniforms. The children of Uganda similarly lack possessions of their own for the most part. Even though they are still in street clothes rather than prison uniforms, they received many of their possessions through charities because adequate clothing is so scarce.
Starvation killed vast amounts of people during the Holocaust, and currently in Uganda, people die of malnutrition constantly. These victims are deprived of the most basic necessities of life, not to mention how treacherous the psychological effects are on victims. Both acts of genocides were bad but uganda and the holocaust were on two totally different things and they got solved in two different matters also they were against 2 different types of