
Compare And Contrast Essay Over 315 Million Americans

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Compare And Contrast Essay Over 315 Million Americans
Today there are over 315 million Americans living on the Earth. Each and everyone of these 315 million individuals have different views and experiences that impact what it means to them to be an American. Some of these views may be wonderful, others not so much. However, there will always be similarities between these viewpoints. No matter what anyone has experienced in America, it cannot be denied that our country will go to extreme lengths to protect every single one of its citizens. No matter what situation the United States is put up against, it will do what is in the best interest for the citizens at home. Also, the United States adapts to new ideas and beliefs. It may take awhile for the United States to adapt, but they will fix any wrong …show more content…
Citizens of our country can speak out when they think something is wrong, and cause change. Freedom is something an American should cherish, because not many other countries have freedom like ours. Being an American means doing the right thing for the citizens, adapting to change, and having freedom to say what they please.
Americans do not allow any threats to its citizens to go unnoticed, and will do anything to make sure the country is safe at all times. During the early 1950’s the second Red Scare was occurring. Hysteria spread throughout all of the United States, and many citizens feared the country would fall to communism. After the Chinese had fallen to communism in 1949, many Americans believed their country was next. In February of 1950, Senator Joe McCarthy gave a speech in the State Department about the threat of communism. he stated “The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because our only powerful, potential enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have been treated so well by this nation”. McCarthy
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Many other countries do not allow its citizens to speak their opinions like the United States allows. Ever since the formation of our country, freedom of speech has been a main focus point. George Washington once said “If freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be lead, like sheep to the slaughter”. He is expressing that if no one speaks their mind, no change will ever come. He is encouraging others to speak out against the government and social issues, so that change will come. One man who used his right of freedom of speech profusely was Martin Luther King Jr. While the United States was at war with Vietnam, King spoke out to a crowd in New York about how he opposed the war. He states “There’s something strangely inconsistent about a nation and a press that will praise you when you say, Be nonviolent towards Jim Clark, but will curse and damn you when you say, be nonviolent towards little brown Vietnamese children”. This was a direct insult to the United States government and the individuals fighting for our country, but he had the right to say it. In many other countries, this opposition to the government would not fly. He wanted the war to stop and wanted change, so he took charge. King persuaded many others Americans to oppose the war in Vietnam. By using his freedom of speech, King also helped advance the civil rights movements. King traveled around the world giving lectures on non-violent

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