Directions: Choose one of the below listed topics. Then, create a five paragraph essay that details a response to the prompt. Your essay will contain an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
1. Romeo and Juliet are referred to as "star-crossed lovers". Discuss the concept of predetermined destiny (fate) and how it relates to the play. • To complete this essay, you will decide what three roles you see fate playing. Or, you may choose to look at people who are driven by fate not choice. Finally, you may choose to look at three main conflicts that are driven by fate.
2. Friar Lawrence serves many dramatic purposes in the play. Examine the Friar and his role in Romeo …show more content…
and Juliet. • For this essay, you will examine and discover three main “roles” that Friar Lawrence serves.
(confidante, advisor, etc)
3. Describe and analyze the different types of love portrayed in the play. • For this essay, you will take each body paragraph and describe a certain type of love using examples from the play.
4. Apart from clashing with Tybalt, what role does Mercutio play in the story? Is he merely a colorful supporting character and brilliant source of comic relief, or does he serve a more serious purpose • For this essay, you will look at Mercutio’s role in the play. You could organize your essay showing Mercutio’s role in each act. Or, you could think of three main functions Mercutio has in the play and separate those into the paragraphs.
5. One critic of the play notes: “There is so much in Romeo and Juliet to disperse the tragic gloom.” Do you agree? Is there enough there to prevent the audience from being completely depressed by the outcome of the play? Discuss and analyze how characters, language, and conflict make this play more or less tragic. • In this essay, you will look at Characters, language, and conflict as each of your body …show more content…
Prewriting Chart
Topic Sentence 1:
Transition ______________________
Set Up Example (What is happening in the example?) _____________________________________________________________
Quote 1:______________________________________________________
Elaboration – How does the above quote prove your thesis? __________________________________________________________
Transition ______________________
Set Up Example (What is happening in the example?) _____________________________________________________________
Quote 1:______________________________________________________
Elaboration – How does the above quote prove your thesis? __________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ Topic Sentence 2:
Transition ______________________
Set Up Example (What is happening in the example?) _____________________________________________________________
Quote 1:______________________________________________________
Elaboration – How does the above quote prove your thesis? __________________________________________________________
Transition ______________________
Set Up Example (What is happening in the example?) _____________________________________________________________
Quote 1:______________________________________________________
Elaboration – How does the above quote prove your thesis? __________________________________________________________
Topic Sentence 3:
Transition ______________________
Set Up Example (What is happening in the example?) _____________________________________________________________
Quote 1:______________________________________________________
Elaboration – How does the above quote prove your thesis? __________________________________________________________
Transition ______________________
Set Up Example (What is happening in the example?) _____________________________________________________________
Quote 1:______________________________________________________
Elaboration – How does the above quote prove your thesis? __________________________________________________________
Romeo and Juliet Prewriting
Essay Topic Chosen:
|FCA’s |+ |Mastering |+/- |Developing |+/- |Emerging |
| | |Details: 30 29 28| |Details: 25 24 | |Details: 20- 0 |
|Ideas | | | |Identifies clear and accurate | |Presents a limited scope of |
| | |Piles on clear, specific, and | |details but needs to focus on | |details supporting the ThS and |
|and | |accurate details to develop the | |moving from general to specific | |TS’s, and so needs to implement |
| | |significance of each item | |and providing more specific | |quotations correctly from the play|
|Development | |Uses quotations from the play | |evidence. May need to introduce | |to support all ideas and arguments|
|(55) | |accurately and well as specific | |and implement correctly more | |OR presents loosely strung |
| | |details and implements smoothly | |consistently or fluidly. May need| |together details with need to show|
| | |and correctly. Each detail | |to clarify the TS so it connects | |the connection. Needs to clearly |
| | |supports a clear TS that connects | |to the ThS and so all details | |state the position in a clear TS |
| | |to the ThS. Must cite quote | |connect to it. Has at least one | | |
| | |properly. | |error in citation. | | |
| | |Elaboration: 25 24 | |Elaboration: 21 20 | |Elaboration: 17-0 |
| | |Elaborates details clearly and | |Elaborates generally on details, | |Needs to discuss the details so |
| | |sufficiently to demonstrate the | |leaving the reader with questions| |the reader is not left to make |
| | |significance and relevance of each| |in some places – needs to expand | |inferences; the significance of |
| | |of the details; shows close, | |further to demonstrate thoughtful| |each detail must be addressed and |
| | |careful reading and analysis of | |analysis | |explained in detail |
| | |how each piece of evidence | | | | |
| | |supports the TS’s and ultimately | | | |
| | |the ThS | | | | |
|Comments: |
| | |Transitions: 15 14 | |Transitions: 12 | |Transitions: 10-0 |
| | |Uses a variety of thoughtful | |Uses mechanical transitions to | |Needs to utilize |
|Fluency | |transitions within paragraphs to | |establish connections between | |transitions/utilize transitions |
|(15) | |establish connections between | |ideas and paragraphs in a | |more thoughtfully so as to |
| | |ideas and also between paragraphs | |businesslike fashion – needs to | |establish connectedness between |
| | |to create connectedness; | |use purposeful and creative | |sentences and paragraphs so as to |
| | |establishes a true cadence | |connectives to create a fluid | |avoid unnatural, choppy phrasing |
| | | | |piece | | |
|Comments: |
| | |Structure: 30-28 | | Structure: 25-24 | |Structure: 20-0 |
|Structure | | | |Incorporates each of the required| |Reflects some of the required |
|(30) | |Incorporates smoothly and | |elements for the introduction and| |elements for an introduction and |
| | |thoughtfully each element | |the conclusion, but may need to | |conclusion but may need to |
| | |necessary for an effective | |be more creative, more thorough, | |incorporate one or more of the |
| | |introduction and conclusion: a | |more thoughtful, use different | |elements. |
| | |well-developed, thoughtful A-G, | |words and phrases, or clarify | | |
| | |background information, clearly | |positions. | | |
| | |stated ThS, Plan of Development | | | | |
| | |and re-statement of ThS and POD | | | | |
| | |using different words and phrases,| | | | |
| | |summary of significance, and a | | | | |
| | |clever last line. Shows | | | | |
| | |creativity, thought, and control | | | | |
| | |over each of these skills | | | | |
|Comments: |
Name _________________________________________________ R & J Analysis Type 4 Essay
______/ 100 A B C D F ______ --- ½ for each spelling error, subject/verb agreement error, pronoun agreement error, or comma after transitions
Body Paragraph 1
Body Paragraph 3
Body Paragraph 2