The book ‘Grace and Free Choice’ was written by St. Augustine to defend both free choice and the grace of God (Humphries 147). The revelation of coming together on the same path to perfection is elusive and somewhat hindered by differences. Here we can already see quarreling amongst the children while the Father God remains unshaken and unmoved in His heavenly throne (Psalm 11:4). According to St. Augustine’s defense on the evidence of free choice, he simplifies by stating that, the information has been given through the commandments and revealed by the word of God (Humphries 147) where the everlasting power and divinity of the Almighty Father God is …show more content…
It is said that Saint Prosper spent the last years of his service as secretary to Pope St. Leo the Great. This can only mean that both theologians saw the nature of the Divine Will with the same set of eyes and theological doctrines. Pope St. Leo the Great was a monumental vessel to prevent the spread of errors and heresy; his negotiating prowess resulted in the protection of Rome from invasion. He used his authority to dispel any contradictions regarding the divine and human nature of the Lord Jesus Christ. This Christology has been a long-standing debate between churches within Christianity aptly named as the ‘Christological