Harpers Bazaar is known globally Shirley's wardrobe is less known. In fact, globally Shirley's Wardrobe is ranked 1,383,479 where Harpers Bazaar is ranked 7,643. As far as the ranking in the U.S., there is no metrics on alexa.com for Shirley wardrobe, but Harpers Bazaar is ranked 3,551. Harpers Bazaar has a bounce rate of 77.4 percent where as Shirley's wardrobe has a bounce rate of 47.8, but to be clear there are more visitors going on Harpers Bazaar's website, then visitors entering Shirley's
Wardrobe. The page views is interesting to look at because Shirley's Wardrobe is at 2.30, and Harpers Bazaar is at 2.35. Now, what makes this interesting is that Harper Bazaar metrics fell 11.32 percent, where Shirley's has risen 20.00 percent. This indicates more people are viewing more pages on Shirley's website, and less are browsing the Harper Bazaar website.