Equally, Hemingway’s final letters from the hospital were not of himself or his legacy, but of thanks to his friends and hopes for his children, “I would appreciate it very much” he wrote, “if you could send it to my oldest boy Jack” (920). He seemed as if he were getting his affairs in order, rather than the normal bolstering of his reputation. Additionally, Hemingway did not completely shut himself off from the world, he still wrote books to be published and was out in the open in his last days (Frenz). Juxtapositionally, in 1974 reporter Lacey Fosburgh was one of the last people to have spoken to Salinger from the media, who only gave the interview to express his outrage about the illegal selling of some of his earlier works. Throughout the interview, Salinger becomes increasingly upset and ashamed of his works written during and before his time in the war (Fosburgh). This interview siphoned out just how repressed Salinger had become, he along with thousands of his fellow WWII veterans never truly recovered from the
Equally, Hemingway’s final letters from the hospital were not of himself or his legacy, but of thanks to his friends and hopes for his children, “I would appreciate it very much” he wrote, “if you could send it to my oldest boy Jack” (920). He seemed as if he were getting his affairs in order, rather than the normal bolstering of his reputation. Additionally, Hemingway did not completely shut himself off from the world, he still wrote books to be published and was out in the open in his last days (Frenz). Juxtapositionally, in 1974 reporter Lacey Fosburgh was one of the last people to have spoken to Salinger from the media, who only gave the interview to express his outrage about the illegal selling of some of his earlier works. Throughout the interview, Salinger becomes increasingly upset and ashamed of his works written during and before his time in the war (Fosburgh). This interview siphoned out just how repressed Salinger had become, he along with thousands of his fellow WWII veterans never truly recovered from the