First, ballet and hip hop are similar and different in music. The dance styles are similar in music because both require musicality, the awareness of music and rhythm. Ballet requires musicality because it helps the dancers flow better when listening to the music. Musicality is also necessary in hip hop because isolations have to be hit on the right beat in order for a better performance. However, both styles are very different in music. …show more content…
Both require a great amount of power and endurance. Although hip hop is normally at a much higher speed than ballet, both require similar bodies because of many physical challenges. For example, both ballet and hip hop need a strong core in order to accomplish some movements. Ballet and hip hop are unalike in strength because both use the strength differently. Strength in hip hop is used mostly to control specific movements, and keep some parts in the dance sharp and strong. Strength in ballet is used everywhere, over all parts of the bodies when doing a specific type of move. The dancer would have to engage in many parts of his or her body.
In conclusion, ballet and hip hop both have many similarities and differences. First, the two are similar in musicality usage, but different in the style of music they use. Next, both move their bodies the same at some times but not all. Finally, both use strength to better accomplish their dancing skills, but use the strength in different areas. All of these factors keep ballet and hip hop alike, yet dissimilar and