Grendel from the book was a totally different Grendel from Beowulf. In Beowulf we see Grendel as an evil monster that wanted to kill everyone and had no feelings. But we know that he did have true feelings for people and for himself. “My head aches” (page 13), is an example of something we would have never known by watching the movie. We also know that he cared deeply about his mother and other people. We also would have never known that he was actually very intelligent and could…
It gives the reader the feeling that he does not possess the same thought processes as humans do; therefore, he is characterized as a monster. However, in this novel, Grendel’s point of view and thoughts are more developed and deeper than how he is portrayed in Beowulf. The readers get a glimpse of the story through his eyes and it may change their view of Grendel. He is a solitary and disoriented creature who is misunderstood by humans and all those around him. He looks for a place to belong and his quest is to know who and what he…
In the decade of, Beowulf there was different views and beliefs that can be viewed in this century as barbaric and brutal. The Epic of Beowulf and Beowulf and Grendel is a perfect example of the religious differences and views of the people of this particular century. (Gunnarsson, S.) (Heaney, Seamus) In Beowulf and Grendel there was a more pronounced difference in religious views than in the Epic of Beowulf done to try to be more relatable to today's society. The movie Beowulf and Grendel reflects more of a religious conflict between Christianity and Norse mythology than in the epic of Beowulf, this reflects the modernization put into the movie by today’s view of religion.…
In the epic Grendel has no motive on why he was killing the Danes. However, in Beowulf and Grendel the film he was given a motive. In Beowulf and Grendel the film the Danes killed Grendel’s father because he took a fish from their side; that is why Grendel is now after the Danes to gain revenge for his father’s death. In Beowulf the epic they didn’t need a reason, because the audience back then they didn’t authentically look for one, but the modern audience seems to be always probing for a Cause and Effect in situations and incidencesThe modern mindset for people doesn't sanction one to just accept that he simply is after the Danes; modern media must provide an answer for their audience on why Grendel has been killing Danes. In the epic never did they mention a reason for Grendel's execration towards the Danes. However, in the film Grendel’s reasoning was proximate to…
Grendel is a monster, no matter what way he is described. A being that brings misery to all . This makes the next statement just captivating: the two Grendel’s in the poem of Beowulf and the novel Grendel, are two completely different beings. In the poem, Grendel is a mindless brute for a hero to slay; in the novel he interprets philosophy and is an unbiased mind viewing mankind .…
When reading the two stories we instantly recognize similarities in the way that Grendel is depicted. Both describe him as a seemingly vicious monster, who becomes infuriated anytime he sees others displaying any form of happiness or merriment. They each recount numerous instances in which the monster breaks into the meadhall of the Danes and terrorizes them. Each author describes how terrified the people are of Grendel and how a hero named Beowulf seeks to destroy him and liberate them of their curse.…
The movie Beowulf and Grendel and the Beowulf book had many similarities and differences such as the added characters to the movie that were not included in the book. The characters that were used in the movie were presented in different aspects, with different motives, appearances, and names. Instead of the "King, Ruler, God" that was known as Beowulf in the book, was more of a regular man in the movie. Not much of a threat or so called god that we thought he was. He was considered a heroic figure in the book because of his protection to the Danes from the beast and in the film he is portrayed as more of a liar than a hero. Although there was differences to Beowulf in both film and book,…
One characteristic that Grendel has that makes him particularly terrifying to the Danes is that he comes to Danes with an attitude of “hoping to kill anyone he could trap on his trip to high Herot” (235-236). He also has a very loathsome appearance that one may not relish to look at, such as “his eyes gleamed in the darkness” (248-249) that “burn with a gruesome light” (249-250). His intentions were also very terrifying that brought death to the Danes, he always “intended to tear the life from those…
In the poem Beowulf one of the characters Grendel has displayed evil among others and injustice throughout his life which has lead Beowulf to want to defeat Grendel and end him once and for all. His powers although scary, are plain. His background unknown, until the book begins and we find out who the real Grendel lying beyond the shadows is.…
The two works of literature Beowulf and Grendel are both based off of the Anglo-Saxon’s oral tale of the Geat hero Beowulf. Both stories take place between 500–600 A.D. in Denmark during the invasions of England by the Scandinavians. The story of Beowulf was first written by catholic monks in about 725 A.D. and tells the story about the Geat hero Beowulf coming to help the Danes take care of an evil monster named Grendel. In contrast the modern interpretation of the story of Beowulf written by John Gardner, called Grendel, tells the first half of the story Beowulf from the view of the monster Grendel. In John Gardner’s Grendel, Grendel displays several signs of goodness. Grendel’s attitude towards helpless animals, his innate dislike for violence, and his instinctive apology to the Danes after listening to the shapers songs are all “seeds” of goodness. These “seeds” of goodness are prevented from sprouting because of misunderstandings, the dragon’s foul guidance, and the dragon’s gift.…
Grendel was descendent of Cain, who heartlessly murdered innocent Danes because he felt shame for himself. When he heard of the Dane’s problem, Beowulf quickly left to go help the Danish. Although he did have backup, he started a battle with Grendel and chose to do this with no armor or weapons. Nevertheless, Beowulf would still be crowned the winner, as the arm of Grendel would symbolize his trophy. Beowulf would continue to attempt to kill Grendel’s bitter mother and a dragon, who thought the Geats had gone against him. The victory with the dragon would prove to be his last, as it took a lot out of him.…
Grendel, generally seen as a monster or giant, is one of the main antagonists in the popular Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf. Portrayed as the epitome of evil, Grendel brutally attacks the meadhall of the Danes for twelve years before being defeated by the epic hero Beowulf. Gardner, through his book Grendel, creates a new point of view of these events through Grendel eyes, as Grendel learns about the humans and how they seem like wild animals in their actions. In Grendel by John Gardner, Gardner reveals that “Man must have evil so that he may have good to balance…” through the use of juxtaposition and aphorisms (Gardner 6).…
Grendel is one of the three major antagonists in the poem "Beowulf". We are told he is a monster and a descendant of the biblical figure "Cain" early on in the text. "Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend/Grendel who haunted the moors, the wild /Marshes, and made his home in a hell./Not hell but hell on earth. He was spawned in that slime/Of Cain, murderous creatures banished/ By God, punished forever for the crime/ Of Abel 's death." (Lines 101-108).…
The epic poem Beowulf does not portray Grendel in a fair manner. One of the main characters in the epic poem is called Grendel. Grendel is a monster who lives in a cave with his mother. He hates his mother and thinks that he is the most intelligent species and no one else’s life has meaning. Grendel in the epic poem is portrayed as a monster who only kills and cannot think for himself. John Gardner, an author of the book Grendel felt like the epic poem was one sided and Grendel did not get to share his side. In the book Grendel Gardner portrays a monster as someone who is a little different. Gardner is trying to make the point that if you are a little bit different, you are an outcast in society. Gardner ties parallels to today’s society and the society in the book about monsters being a little bit different causing them to be outcasts.…
In the epic of Beowulf, one of the warrior’s biggest adversaries is a creature from the swamp named Grendel. Although the character of Grendel is present for only a short portion in the story of Beowulf, Grendel signifies one of the important messages in the text about humanity. In Beowulf, Grendel is called a ‘monster’. However, if observed closely, analyzing the meaning behind the story, it is easy to see that Grendel is not a typical monster, in fact, it doesn’t seem like he is a monster at all. There is much evidence within the short period of the text where Grendel is present, which indicates he is not a true monster. In observing the relationship with his mother, his circumstances of his given situation, and his own actions it is obvious that the character of Grendel is extremely complex and is much more than just your typical ‘monster’.…