Japan has a population of 126 million people while El Salvador has the population of 6 million people. Japan ranks high in human development coming in being ranked as the 17th country worldwide in human development. While El Salvador ranks 117 in human development which places the country in the medium human development category. Life expectancy for japan is set at 83.7 years old and El Salvador’s at 73.3. The mean schooling for Japan is 12.5 years while El Salvador is only half of that at 6.5 years. …show more content…
A structure government dictates how good a country can function. Meaning crime rate and poverty all hangs on how good the country government is doing. We know that Japan Government must be extremely stable to sustain one of the lowest homicide rate known to man while El Salvador government may have several problems with its government. But before we go any further we must examine these countries history.
Japan was credited as being the safest country in the world in 1991 according to David T. Johnson. But Japan wasn’t always like this. Japan was once a war zone during World War II before surrendering to Allie forces. Japan was a total disaster after World War II the reason being for this is due to the country being hit with atomic bombs by the United States prime leader of the Allie forces. After surrendering Japan was aided by the allies which later resulted in a full reform of its