Although the Ming and Qing had the most advanced cultural diversity they wanted to rule their empire like their ancestors, which they did. Their buildings before the rise of the Ming were the same throughout the Ming and Qing. The Forbidden city is the perfect example. The buildings were made of wood in the time of the Ming and Qing just like their …show more content…
ancestors homes. The have the same art and food as well. Their art is either metal or stone statues with a symbolic meaning and they made chian also painted on porcelain and canvas. Food in China stayed the same throughout its time, like noodles and dumplings. The Ming and Qing brought in new ingredients from other cultures and different types of cooking but they still kept their ancestors food the same. The leaders of the Ming Dynasty rediscovered China’s own rich cultural heritage. There was a boom in different cultural aspects, such as poetry, literature, music and Chinese operas. Even when they focused on the past they still kept getting bigger and better. The Ming and Qing brought in other cultures, religions and beliefs. Christianity was one of the most well known religion in their land besides Buddhism. Before they started expanding their knowledge of religion and culture their main religion was Daoisum. Their cultural diversity was the largest in that time. Even though they held on to the past it helped them advance in every way possible. The amount of time the Ming and Qing stayed in power was the longest period of rule.
They also completed one of the biggest if not the biggest expansions of all empires. The Kings started the expansion in 1368, their territory was a bit smaller then Korea. By their end in 1644 their land was half of modern day China. When the Qing took over in 1644 they expanded their land to bigger than modern day China. Their expansion and rule ended in 1912. During their expansion they built walls to keep out barbarians. Later on the walls became known as The Great Wall of China. Although they had such a huge expansion, their time of rule was more impressive. In 1368 they started and almost 6 centuries later they ended in 1912. After that there were no more empires, it became governed and named the republic of China. The Ming and Qing had the largest region and longest period of rule, this is one of the reasons they are the
The Ming and Qing dynasties were the greatest of all time. They had the most diverse culture which made them more advanced and popular. Even though the moved forward they still followed old traditions, not many empires did that and and hardly anybody does that today. Almost 6 centuries they were in rule, people tried to overthrow them but failed. Last but not least they had the largest expansion of anybody. Their land by the end was bigger than China. China is bigger then the whole USA. Clearly the Ming and Qing dynasties are the greatest of all time. No other empires even come close.