I. Introduction
II. Overview of the ff:
A. Asian Financial Crisis 1997
B. American Sub-prime Financial of 2008
C. European Debt-Crisis of 2010
III. Analysis and Solution of the three Crisis
IV. Compare & Contrast
VI. Conclusion
VII. Bibliography
I. INTRODUCTION A Crisis is a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. What is most important about a crisis is where is came from and where it started. In this paper, I aim to educate the individuals who will read this, for them to be aware of, and know more about the Economic or Global crises that have a strong impact on the people and also the economy. Many are unaware with what happened to the economy, and little do they know that some of their everyday actions and routines are probably the ones that helped cause it or brought up from it. Some have different stories on how they started, and some also have strong similarities. I will be comparing and contrasting 3 Crises the “Asian Currency Crisis of 1997”, the “American Sub-Prime Financial of 2008” and the “European Debt Crisis of 2010”. Mainly targeting the cause of the crisis and how it escalated, or where it pioneered, the many people or countries that were involved in each crisis and talking about how they got drawn in, what they did or are supposed to do to find or have a solution to the problem, and the massive effect on my economy. Knowing about these particular crises will help everyone to realize how their measures, or their actions can strongly affect the economy or even the world. In July 1997, Asia suffered from severe financial crisis occurred mainly in Thailand caused by the financial collapse of its thai baht. This crisis immediately affected its neighbors most particularly South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and the
Bibliography: Nobte, Gregory T; Ravenhill, John. (2000). “The Asian Financial Crisis and the Architecture or Global Finance”. UK; Cambridge Buttsworth, Matt (2011) “Democracy and Debt Duthel, Heinz (2010) “European Debt Crisis 2011”. IAC Society Sharma, Shalendra (2003) “The Asian Financial Crisis New International Financial Architecture: Crisis, Reform, Recovery.” Oxford, Manchester Goldstein,Morsis (1998). “The Asian Financial Crisis: Causes Cures Ad Systematic Implications”. Washington, DC Patrick,Stewart (2010)