The Persian respected the religious practices of other people in their society. The first kings tolerated everything because that was the key to succeed and grow the empire. Darius contributed to build Persepolis. He also set a currency and taxed everybody. Some people would pay him not in money but in different goods. Most of the emperors had their group of elite s that gave advice to the emperors how to govern their empire.…
In Document D, Persepolis, the Persian capital, has a palace where the emperor greets people. The architecture depicting a lion attacking a bull shows the might of the Persian Empire. Document E is a statue of Caesar Augustus, ruler of Rome during the Pax Romana when Rome was flourishing and there was relative unity and peace within the Roman Empire. The territory acquired by the Roman Empire is depicted in the map of Document G; it shows the expansion of the Roman Empire around the Mediterranean for trade and travel which would provide resources to build the empire. Document J and Document E share similarities because they both illustrate the relative peace of empires; in Document E, the Pax Romana was in effect during Caesar Augustus’s rule while in Ashoka’s Rock Edicts, Document J, there are royal officers who inspect and maintain order in the Gupta Empire every five years, making sure the people are being peaceful to one another and practicing the Beloved-of-the-Gods Dhamma practice which unifies the people. Document I depicts a map of China under the Han and Qin Dynasty and on the map on imperial roads and the Silk Road where the Chinese could put their silk, jade and porcelain in a wheelbarrow and transport it to trade for other resources for their empire. In Document H, Aelius Aristides…
1. Why does the book say that Darius was "more important as an administrator than as a conqueror"?…
Roman and Greece empires governments were similar in ways but differed in others. While both Romans and Greeks started as mere city states they went off in different directions with there civilizations politically. They also both had democracies but in different forms. They each had there own way of government and had different military styles, largely because of their location, which is also why Rome was more centralized and Greece was more dispersed. However, geography did not stop both Rome and Greece from being patriarchal, and thriving.…
Persia’s government ruled like the Mesopotamian kingdoms with a hereditary monarchy. The land was split into twenty-nine satrapies that were allowed to self-govern themselves, which gave these people more freedom. With the freedom to self-govern, the satrapies did not revolt and gave the Persian government less to worry about. Even though they each were allowed to govern themselves, the king had power of them by appointing a secretary and a military commander to each satrapy. The king also chose inspectors to go to different satrapies and report on each one so the empire was all connected.…
China during the Qin and Han dynasties and the Mediterranean during the Roman Empire were similar socially and politically because they both had patriarchy, hierarchy, and a centralized government. One aspect that differed was artistically. China focused on visuals such as pictures. While Rome dealt with more three-dimensional ideas such as sculpture and architecture.…
A notable similarity between Ancient Rome and modern day America lay in their military. Both Rome and America, according to Cullen Murphy, have a military that is too small for the tasks given to it. Murphy also pointed out a similarity in each empires government. Rome began to give all the power into the hands of the executive which left the government not functional, and he sees this happening in the United States government and fears that one day America's government will end up like Rome's. Issues concerning the multiculturalism and borders of the two empires also appear to be similar.…
Rome a. Definition of citizenship changed over time b. Pragmatic innovation and adaptation as empire's ideals c. Common language was Latin C. Patterns of imperial expansion 1. Both consolidated their power within their environmental limits using a common legal framework 2. They had different patterns of development, types of public servants, and government practices 3.…
Between 500 BCE and 500 CE, the Roman civilization experienced changes both politically and culturally. Firstly, Rome’s government transitioned from a Republic to an Empire. Later, that empire was split into two parts; east and west. In terms of changes in culture, it was impacted by the shift in religion, as the Romans shifted from polytheism to monotheism. Despite all the changes, Rome still remained culturally diverse.…
The Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC, was the largest empire of the ancient world, stretching from the borders of India and China in the east to large parts of Greece and Libya.The empire was divided into provinces called satrapies.They respected the people they conquered.The timeframe is 550-330 b.c..Persian government was a monarchy system in which the kings had the final say so in how things were supposed to be handled. The first king through 559-529 BCE and the last king ruled from 336-330 BCE. The empire was divided into twenty provinces each ruled by a governor.The economics were that they had a road system and has developed the use of coins, a system of weights, and a measurement system.They also switched to a barter system but China did it first.Also each satrapy paid taxes based on wealth and resources.A satrapy system was an administrative group. A satrap (governor) administered the region, a general supervised military, and a…
The Persian had a strong government at the heart of its driving force. The Federalistic idea of the people kept the empire together during times of peace and times of war. They did everything for ‘Mother Persia’ and did so to keep their freedom. Their freedom in government they could rural over civil affairs and command the army in war. Kings could then appoint a secretary and military commander in each satrapy, or district. These districts is what kept the large empire even more tightly together. Each of these empires had a governor, or Satrap. Also each satrapy was appointed an inspector to report on what has going on in each. Their success was put on the royal roads that could carry them from one side to the other in less than two weeks --an accomplishment in that day-- made swift travel and greater messaging for the empire. There government worked well and is glue that kept the empire together and kept it alive for hundreds of years.…
While both Empires had different attitudes toward the advancement of technology, they each accepted technological changes throughout history. Whether it be the new system of roads that Rome…
A few similarity can be they are both empires and a difference can be they are located in different areas.The Rome and the Chinese both had an emperor or king. Rome and China both had a big and strong army to protect their borders, they both even had tall and strong wall to keep people out and for protecting the borders in their land. Both of the countries invented a lot of things that we are using today. In Rome, they have some laws that are the same as China’s laws. Rome and China are in different areas, but they are close or near each other. Rome and China used the same items because Rome improved a lot of them. They both had a village like a place where the people live. They both had their own way of doing art because China painted while Rome sewed pictures into cloth.…
Part 1: Fill in the below table with both similarities and differences of the Greek and Roman cultures. Indicate if you are describing a similarity or a difference. If you are describing a similarity then place your research information under both the Greek and Roman culture. If you are describing a difference list the difference between the two cultures under each culture. Please fill in all 10 lines within the table, each row will expand as you type in your information.…
The Persian Empire The Persian Empire was one of the most successful empires in the world, largely because of its strategic geographical location. First, the location of the Persian Empire prior to its expansion was between the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf to the south while the northern side of the empire lay the Caspian Sea. A plethora of rivers, including River Tigris and River Euphrates contributed immensely to the growth of the empire due to its strategic position and contribution in irrigation and the growth of the Fertile Crescent, which was used for agriculture and farming (Burgan 8-10). Moreover, the location of the Persian Empire was an important trade route between the Far East and the European region. The rich agricultural production made Persia a trade hub and the exchange of goods and services took place on its trade routes.…