Perseverance Is the Key In their writings, Benjamin Franklin, J. Hector St John de Cre’vecoeur, and Phyllis Wheatley all call attention to humble and lowly beginnings, either of themselves or of Americans in general. Benjamin Franklin expressed through his writings that he had a purpose, and being blessed by God he succeeded his lowly beginnings. Cre’veceour looks at lowly and humble beginnings from the point of view of an American. He feels that your past is a lesson learned. Phyllis Wheatley on the other hand, looks at lowly and humble beginnings as a sense of getting a better understanding of God. Even though all the writers had lowly and humble beginnings, they all learned from them, and it taught each and …show more content…
every one of them to be a better person. Benjamin Franklin expresses his lowly and humble beginnings in The Autobiography. Benjamin Franklin went down the path he did because of his son. Franklin expresses this by saying “You may remember the Enquiries I made among the Remains of my Relations when you were with me in England; and the Journey I took for that purpose”. (Franklin pg.231) Franklin shows us through The Autobiography the challenges he faced, and to show young people in general how to better themselves by showing examples in his life. Benjamin Franklin thanks God for blessing him in his aspect of lowly and humble beginnings. He expresses this by saying “Having emerg’d from the Poverty and Obscurity in which I was born and bred, to a State of Affluence and some degree of Reputation in the World, and having gone so far thro’ Life with a considerable Share of Felicity, the conducting Means I made use of, which with the Blessing of God, so well succeeded, my Posterity may like to know, as they may find suitable to their own Situations, and therefore fit to be limited”. (Franklin pg.231) Franklin’s journey was long, but he had to take it one step at a time. An example of Franklin starting out with very little was when he was 16 and started the Vegetable Diet to save money. Another example is when He quit working for his brother, which He considered this his first errata. Even though, his brother stopped a lot of opportunities for him he still persevered and found work. Franklin is a great example of determination and perseverance because he never gave up. Franklin struggled with Pride, but he did not let that effect what he set out to accomplish. Franklin’s emphasis on humility, which he could not get over, is showing young Americans to keep their hopes high. Franklin was self-aware so I feel as if that helped him to become aware of where he came from and to keep hope alive. Franklin kept persevering, and eventually got to where he wanted because he never gave up. He wanted to not only prove himself to those that did not believe in him, but to proclaim to the whole world that anything is possible.
However Cre’vecouer looks at his lowly and humble beginnings as a lesson learned.
Cre’vecouer writes to different types of people in American Farmer. In this excerpt he is expressing to every individual that Americans have so many privileges that can be obtain all they have to do is be thankful and strive for them. Cre’vecouer states this by saying “He must greatly rejoice that he lived at a time to see this fair country be discovered and settled; he must necessarily feel a share of national pride, when he views the chain of settlements which embellish these extended shores”. (Cre’vecouer pg. 310) He explains that Americans have no excuse for the way they live because everything they need is right in front of them, but all they have to do is go for it. He really focuses on the immigrants, and how they were once poor and nameless in Europe, but now that they have immigrated to America they are considered Americans. (Cre’vecoeur pg.312) The immigrants see America as a place they can come to for opportunities. He shows this by saying “his country is now that which gives him land, bread, protection, and consequence”. (Cre’vecoeur pg.312) He explains that Americans are a mixture of races. “They are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans and Swedes. From the promiscuous breed that race now called Americans”. By being Americans these individuals have self-independence to make decisions and start off fresh from their lowly and humble
beginnings. Phyllis Wheatley not only looks at her humble and lowly beginnings in a positive way, but also sees them as a way of becoming close to God. Phyllis Wheatley states “Twas mercy bought me from my pagan land, taught my benighted soul to understand That there’s a God, That there’s a Savior too….”(Wheatley pg.420) Wheatley feels that no matter where you come from opportunities will be opened if you would strive to go for them. She explains to the students of Cambridge that God has bought her a long way that He can do the same for them, but then she goes on to explain that sin will bring you ruin. She encourages them to strive for excellence while they have the chance by saying “Improve your privileges while they stay”. She is teaching people that are under her from her example because she has experienced this. All these writers came from lowly and humble beginnings, but all came out with a great reward and became successful. If we would apply ourselves and not focus so much on the past we could be examples to others just as they are to us. All these authors show us to never let your hopes go down on God because he is the man behind everything. We should take advantages of our opportunities, and look at our experiences as a lesson learned.
Works Cited
Franklin, Benjamin The Autobiography. Norton Anthology of American Literature. Seventh. Nina Baym. New York: W.W.Norton Company, 2008. 230-276. Print.
Cre 'veceour, De John St. Hector J. Letters from an American Farmer. Norton Anthology of American Literature. Seventh. Nina Baym. New York: W.W.Norton Company, 2008. 310-320. Print. Wheatley, Phyllis. On Being Brought from Africa to America. Norton Anthology of American Literature. Seventh. Nina Baym. New York: W.W.Norton Company, 2008. 420-421. Print.