Aristotle and Plato where both philosophers living in the same time period, Aristotle was Plato’s student at ‘The academy’ which was his school, so at one point in time Aristotle believed in Plato’s views but as he matures this changed their views became very different. Their contrasting views on human nature is an example of this.
Plato believed that forms, most importantly the form of the good exist in the ideal world where the ultimate reality would be found where the essence of everything physical can be found, so the physical things in this world are not the real thing or to be trusted everything is imperfect, He also believed that our souls existed before they entered our bodies he believed they are the true essence of ourselves and are separate from our bodies which change and decay however out soul is eternal, so knowledge was not something that we just gain it is something that comes back to us throughout our lives and our souls knew this before we just have to remember it.
Despite having been taught my Plato Aristotle had a very different view on the theory of forms and the soul he completely rejected Plato’s theory of forms. Plato seemed to look at the mystical and was concerned with the ultimate reality Aristotle’s view was more down to earth he seemed to have a need for a more scientific approach in searching for answers in regards to human nature, forms and the soul he redefines soul and form in a completely different way to Plato’s teachings. He believed that ‘forms’ do not exist independently of the physical but that the physical and the form where in fact united, like form was the spirit of the physical so both out body and our soul where parts of our nature not just the soul, he came to understand that our world was made up of many natural forms and even though not all the forms on earth where ideal or perfect they existed and