Compare And Contrast Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry
The movie and the book of Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry have their differences and their similarities. In the book Uncle Hammer’s car was a Packard, but in the movie he drove a Cadillac. In both the book and the movie Uncle Hammer sold his car to give his brother money to buy off his property. In both the movie and the book he gave Stacey a coat. Stacey gave his coat to TJ in the book and the movie.
In the book Lilian Jeans, Jeremy, RW and Melvin are simms but in the movie they are Wallace’s. All the main characters Big Ma, Papa, Mama, Cassie, Stacey, Little Man, and Christopher john all stayed the same. Cassie Beat up Lillian Jean in both the movie and the book. In both the book and the movie Mr. Granger wanted the Logans land.
In the book