Gerald graff spoke about anti intellectualism versus intellectualism when it came to being book smart over street smart. If you consider yourself book smart you would be the average student who is reading about past event in history and learning the importance of them and taking pride in all you know rather than picking up your average teen magazine and schooling yourself on the latest fashion craze. It was stated in his article that schools and colleges were to blame for majority of the young adult option. Just for picking a sports magazine. What he did not take the time to understand is the interest of a young adult's …show more content…
This life graff would consider anti intellectual. Rose grew up with his mother watching her in work. She was a waitress. She had been for several years and knew just about everything there was to it just from having experience. She knew how to speak to people as well as read, do the math on the checks, and personality skills. Rose mother has quite school in seventh grade to help raise her brothers and sisters. His father spent a few years in primary school and also left. Rose made it through barely making it into college. He was not very engaged in school but did graduate unlike his parents. Today he happens to be very successful and just from barely breezing by in school he is making a good living just as his parents are without the schooling they left