Melting pot or salad bowl
Assimilation is the process by which many groups have been made a part of a common cultural life, which commonly shared values.
The United states is described as a melting pot, because various racial and ethnic groups have been combined into one culture.
The united states is described as a salad bowl, because various groups have remained different from one another.
A bicultural group is characterized by considering themselves as Americans but also wants to retain their original language, traditions and culture.
North European (Danish, German)
American Jews
The establishment of the Dominant culture?
80% of the population were traced back …show more content…
The helped the new immigrants to find jobs and houses, in exchange for votes.
Yes, Yes they were. The helped to assimilate large numbers of new immigrants.
Rapidly expanding economy.
The African-American Experience
The Africans came unwillingly.
Yes, Yes it is
In the southern states it was the basis of the economy.
A minority of whites insisted that slavery and freedom could not exists together, but the majority believed that the freedom and equality opportunity needed to be protected for white people only, but they were afraid that black slavery would eventually take away their economic freedom. No worker could compete with an unpaid slave.
No, the black people were still being discriminated and did not have equal opportunities of the whites
The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s
The united states supreme court declared that racially segregated public shools did not provide equal educational opportunities for black americans and were therefore illegal.
Martin Luther King
Kings goal was to bring about greater assimilation of black people into the larger American