January 7 2012
Two schools I have attended are Seth G. Haley Elementary School and Harry M. Bailey Middle School. Both are located in West Haven, CT but have different addresses. Seth Haley is located at 148 South Street and Harry Bailey is at 106 Morgan Lane. Both have a Principal who is male. Ronald Stancil Jr. is at Haley and Dr. Anthony Cordone is at Bailey. Bailey has two Vice Principals to help out too.
Seth Haley is an Elementary School that starts with Preschool and then has Kindergarten through Fourth Grade. Their mascot is the Haley Comet. The kids who go there are the ones who live around there-mostly on the shoreline called West Shore. There are about 500 kids who go to Haley and their day starts at 8:55 in the morning and dismissal is at 3:25 in the afternoon. When kids get dismissed from Haley, someone has to be at the school to pick them up or the bus stop to meet them or the school will not let them go and the bus driver will not let them off at the stop.
Bailey is a Middle School that has all the kids who are in Public School in West Haven, CT for Seventh and Eighth Grade. Our mascot is the Bailey Eagle. There are about 1000 kids in Bailey and our day starts at 7:40 in the morning and dismissal is at 2:15 in the afternoon. When the bell rings at our dismissal kids can walk home alone and I don’t need anyone waiting at the bus stop for me for the bus driver to let me off.
Both schools serve Breakfast and Lunch to kids who want it. At Seth Haley the lights go off in the cafeteria when the kids are eating to prevent them from fooling around and maybe choking while they eat. Haley has older and more responsible kids who are allowed to eat with the lights on. Both have teachers as cafeteria monitors to keep kids from getting into trouble or wandering in the halls. At Haley the minute the kids walk in the lunch room they are allowed to get in the food line. At Bailey we have to sit at a table and wait until we