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Compare and Contrast the decline and outcomes of Han China and the Roman Empire

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Compare and Contrast the decline and outcomes of Han China and the Roman Empire
Both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty declined gradually, mostly due to multiple invasions by foreign people. However, while the Roman Empire showed a decrease in population, Han population rose greatly, leading to two very different outcomes for the ancient civilizations.

In the time leading up to it's fall, the Roman Empire was almost constantly being invaded by numerous foreign groups. Most of these groups were nomadic or seminomadic peoples who were drawn to the lavish lifestyle of the Romans. Other reasons for the fall of Rome include the fact that they simply had conqured too much land to keep control of, trouble managing monetary issues such as high inflation, and the rise of Christianity making the attitude of the everyday Roman citizen less desperate and dependant on the Roman Emperors that they previously worshiped. Eventually, the empire split into two parts, the east and the west. The outcomes of the fall of both sides of this divided empire include extensive invasions of the Barbarians in Europe, loss of general education and ancient knowlage, and the begging of the Dark Ages. The Han Dynasty faced many of the same issues leading to it's fall. The government gradually lost control of it's people and land all while becoming more and more corrupt. A new religion, Daoism, was introduced that brought the lower class citizens hope and led to the protest of government morality and operation. Very much like the Roman Empire, the Han dynasty struggled to push back foreign invaders such as the Huns, who made them suffer greatly time and time again by ruthlessly plundering their land. Eventually, after the fall of the Han Dynasty, China was split into three seperate parts and thrown into a very chaotic time period.

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